Anonymous ID: 905842 Aug. 27, 2018, 10:55 p.m. No.2763176   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anonymous ID: 905842 Aug. 27, 2018, 11:19 p.m. No.2763368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3396

By Michael Collins Piper — AFP

July 14, 2008



Although Newsweek said Mrs. McCain’s family "is deeply rooted in Arizona," and that her late father, Jim Hensley, "was one of the most prominent men in the state," who was "a World War II bombardier . . . shot down over the English channel,"—in other words, a war hero just like McCain—Newsweek did not even hint of the racketeering and corruption (and murder) associated with Hensley and his patrons in his rise to power.


Newsweek said Hensley "borrowed $10,000 to start a liquor business" which became one of the largest Anheuser-Busch distributorships in the country and pointed out that the vast Hensley influence and fortune (worth $200 million) "got [McCain] access to money and connections" after he divorced his ailing first wife and married his then-mistress, Cindy Hensley, and settled in Arizona where he first ran for office in 1982. What Newsweek chose not to mention is what AFP previously reported:


McCain’s father-in-law got his start as the top henchman for Kemper Marley, who, for 40 years until his death in 1990, was the undisputed political boss of Arizona, acting as the behind-the-scenes power over both the Republican and Democratic parties. But Marley was more than a politician. He was the Meyer Lansky crime syndicate’s chief Arizona operative, front man for the Bronfman family—key players in the Lansky syndicate.

Anonymous ID: 905842 Aug. 27, 2018, 11:36 p.m. No.2763472   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Meyer Lanksy

many people do not seem to know that there is an inextricably interesting link between Senator John McCain and Meyer Lansky, one of the Jewish leaders of organized crime. A little background on Lansky.


He had had a history of buying politicians and sending


“large sums of gambling money to the ADL, which would in turn accuse anyone who claimed Lansky and Dalitz were gangsters of anti-Semitism. In addition to being steady contributors to the ADL, the Jewish gangsters of this era also supported Israeli terrorist organizations: ‘With support from Meyer Lansky, Hank Greenspun had become a gunrunner for Israel in 1948 and thereafter performed as an Israeli operative. Bugsy Siegel reportedly gave $50,000 to support Irgun while ‘celebrity gangster’ Mickey Cohen sponsored an Irgun fundraiser in 1947.’


“The Israeli newspaper Haaretz claim that ‘Jews control crime in the United States,’ but Meyer Lansky had the backing of the ADL when he claimed that ‘there was much anti-Semitism behind the campaign to convict him.’”[1]


So Lansky was essentially aiding and abetting the Israeli regime and was funding thought police institutions like the ADL. Surprisingly, McCain is tied to the gangster mob. How? The late Michael Collins Piper pointed out:


“McCain’s father was a highly-placed fixture in the Arizona branch of the national organized crime syndicate: He was the chief henchman of the late Kemper Marley, Arizona point man for infamous mob chief Meyer Lansky and his powerful partners-in-crime, the super-rich Bronfman family of Montreal.”


Jerome R. Corsi, a Zionist shill, has at least some sense to say that McCain’s fortune can be traced by to “organized crime.” Citing the Phoenix New Times, Corsi wrote that


“The father of McCain’s wife, James Hensley, was convicted by a federal jury in U.S. District Court of Arizona in March 1948 on seven counts of filing false liquor records. Hensley also was charged with conspiracy to hide from federal authorities the names of persons involved in a liquor industry racket with two companies he managed, United Sales Company in Phoenix and United Distributors in Tucson.


“The umbrella company, United Liquor, at that time held a monopoly in Arizona, organized and managed by Kemper Marley, who was accused of mob ties by a reporter who was murdered in 1977.”


The inextricable ties between McCain and Lansky are undisputable, and it is no accident that McCain became a thoroughly Zionist puppet throughout his political career. Corsi continued:


“According to Marley’s longtime public relations man, Al Lizanetz, the Marley liquor empire was founded by the Bronfman family dynasty of Canada which operated Allied Finance Company, Northern Export Company and Distillers Corporation – the Seagrams, Ltd. empire.


“As chronicled by the ‘Rumrunners and Prohibition’ video shown popularly on the History Channel, during the 1920s, the Bronfman family made millions in bootlegging, accounting for half the illegal liquor crossing the border, working in a profitable distribution deal with the infamous mobster Meyer Lansky, who later moved on to establish the crime syndicates in the casinos of Havana, Cuba, in the 1940s and 50s.”


It should be clear by now that McCain is part of the organized crime which was created by Meyer Lansky to unleash social and political terror in America and elsewhere. In other words, Lansky, who was named “the Thinking Man’s Gangster,”[2] was McCain’s real boss.