Anonymous ID: f3a052 Aug. 27, 2018, 11:16 p.m. No.2763346   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3401


Saw these earlier today. These people are SICK! The public school system needs to be eliminated. We need a voucher system to allow other non nazi systems to flourish. Until then home schooling looks better every day. Tom Woods is always pushing the Ron Paul curriculum and it looks pretty good. There are more and more local home schooling groups forming due to the fascism pushed in the public schools and the shitty education they produce. The system can only produce failure by it's very nature. The worse the kids do, the more money the schools and teachers get. All funded by stolen fiat currency. Please tell us that this will be overhauled Q. I know DeVos is in there, I hope she is doing the right thing!