Anonymous ID: 47184f Aug. 28, 2018, 1:35 a.m. No.2764089   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4100 >>4147


that's fair enough, and it's obvious that their nepotism needs to be addressed. Treating them like anybody else is a desireable goal.


But personally, one gets the impression that this single-minded obsession with Jews is basically just racism, not unlike how Blacks claim that the reason for the shortcomings of their community is the fault of Whites. It comes across as pathetic.


You make a good point about the Merchant meme, and I admit I wouldn't bat an eye if I saw Allah in a bomb suit. But I never do. I only see a focus on Jews…like White people talkin bout 'dem reparations they gonna get someday. It's pathetic.


Every day I see some blaring headline about Israel, and think to myself "they're doing much worse in other countries." I haven't seen a post in here about Albania beyond a couple of my own; you want to talk about human trafficking? Look it up.


No other country has received as much negative attention. Even the notables feature anons questioning Q's competency as to whether or not Nazis were actually bad. Really?


Q just mentioned both Australia and the UK. How many posts about them vs. Isreal in this thread?


It feels good to blame your problems on the boogeyman, and doubtless there are some that have real ones in their closet. But 95% of the Jew hatred here is just an inability to accept personal responsibility.

Anonymous ID: 47184f Aug. 28, 2018, 2:08 a.m. No.2764237   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4297 >>4326

Here's some background on Alexander Downer and his meeting with Papadapoulos, if you can take his word for it:


To me, it exonerates POTUS more than anything. Unless the cabal planned on using it to establish a timeline for some smear. But again, what is the supposed crime? Colluding with Russia?


A thought occurred to me as I read it: what if POTUS actually did receive damaging info from Russia on Hillary Clinton? What if all of this is building up to when he finally comes clean…and reveals all of the info on Uranium One that they gave him?