President Kennedy said, we all inhabit this 1 small planet
This planet = The ship
Where We Go One, We Go All!
Куда идёт один, туда идём мы все!
When the White Squall comes
It is not about who you love and who you hate
EVERY member of the crew must pull together.
(((they))) want us divided
Because when the White Squall comes
We are expendable
And they get the ship, the whole ship, to themselves.
Who are (((they)))?
The Nihilist Illuminati.
They created the Nihilist Communists.
They created the Nihilist Nazis.
They created the Nihilist Fascists
And they created the Nihilist Liberals.
We have met the enemy, and he is us.
Because if we to not consent to be ruled by (((them)))
Then (((they))) have NO power.
Sheep no more!
Wake up.
All men were created equal, with free will.
Competition is fun, but at the end of the day
Everybody shakes hands, goes to the pub and raises a beer, TOGETHER.
On this ship
On this ship, we compete but we do not destroy
Because the White Squall is coming.
And (((they))) were willing to risk sacrificing ALL OF US
To (((their))) pagan god.