Anon5 said (take what you will):
>[Port Arthur Massacre]
>Done by the Australian government as part of a UK government run/ordered “Disarmament Operation” of Australia, UK and Canada. Dunblane Massacre(UK) and the Marc Chahal Massacre(Canada) were part of the exact same operation, the UK government was involved/overseeing in all 3 among several others.
>They even were involved in some of the US mass shootings during that timeframe. The operation was so successful the US government has created a similar program involving Mass Shootings(Sandy Hook, Vegas, Columbine, etc) as a test for Presidents that were/are in office.
>China elites made deals with Australian elites for land and eventual take over of parts of the country. It also gives Asian elites easier access to NZ and to keep an eye out on the elites located there.
>[Outback DUMB’s]
>In the Outback few people go looking and even fewer can hear the screams. Which makes it perfect for DUMB’s ,experiments and power structure real-estate grabbing/building that would rival what is in/under NZ.
>All that “mining” wasn’t just for resources, they were/are for building underground.
Are the seized South African farms also in places where DUMBs can be constructed?