>Q, what do you mean by "Nazism?"
>Aren't Nationalism and Populism the answer to Globalism? Aren't they the path >to free our nations from global banking families (Roths) and from the >degenerate cultural influences they fund as a means to break down our family >structures and traditions?
>notice Q puts it in quotes
>”Nazism" = fascist National Socialism
>not ethnonationalism or what we in the USA call patriotism
This is confused. Ethno-nationalism is jus sanguinis or tribalism, essentially. This concept goes against the Constitution. The term “All men” does not include a specification of race, creed, color, or the like.
In contract law, a contract is an agreement or promise between to equal parties. The written form of a contract, the Constitution, is a memorial of that agreement.
If the US is nationalist in any form it is founded on Civic Nationalism. That foundation being the Contract that is the Constitution. In so far as one upholds the Constitution – The Rule of Law – one is a patriot.
Law is the highest authority and it is Law that binds a community – in contract.
Blood and race, as the Nazis, have it, is (((their))) method of rule. The Elites, the bloodlines, royalty, the right religion, the Chosen Ones, all of that bunkum is done away with in the Constitution. That should be clear to any thinking man or woman.