I did deep diggs on Facebook in 2013 and posted it there; much of it they deleted.
This foto and some other info is still there.
What was deleted were the seven or eight pages of advisory board members and the profiles of businesses teamed up with DHS and INQTEL.
Even the websites scrubbed pertinent links.
Dead links:
So before Cambridge Analytica the data mining was proudly touted by board members from INQTEL that funded Facebook.
A cursory examination of what is available now will show you they do not even use real fotos at this time on their pages.
Current INQTEL and board of advisors
INTERESTING: diff link diff people same overall impression of BENS
Good links from screencaps still but probably not same info:
Kleiner Perkins
MZ ties to IN Q TEL. pic
Other pics = screen caps of copy pasta from original source now deleted from web. I remember finding this and freaking out at how vast the web was with participants and all of it being orchestrated by people I did not trust.
Q drummed it into my head to archive offline! This is a future proves past in my own personal life.
Sorry if already posted.