Enough of your spam, (((faggot))).
No matter how much you try to change you fucking tone, you sound the same in the end.
Enough of your spam, (((faggot))).
No matter how much you try to change you fucking tone, you sound the same in the end.
> They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation-will be addressed!
POTUS telling mossad and shareblue in here to go fuck itself.
Hear that, 3f3199? You are fucking known you dumb fucking cunt.
You and your whole (((shill))) team.
Day of the fucking rope for you treasonous kikes can't come soon enough. You have nowhere to hide since you glow like a fucking irradiated rat everywhere you go.
God bless your soul, sword anon. We go ALL IN on this fight.
the hell…
"The Chinese firm obtained Clinton’s emails in real time as she sent and received communications and documents through her personal server, according to the sources, who said the hacking was conducted as part of an intelligence operation.
The Chinese wrote code that was embedded in the server, which was kept in Clinton’s residence in upstate New York. The code generated an instant “courtesy copy” for nearly all of her emails and forwarded them to the Chinese company, according to the sources."
Try your mother's phone to hop maybe. You might finally convince somebody there's some kind of real consensus.
You fucking shills are literally too stupid to live fucking with POTUS and Patriots WW.
Count down, bitch.
It's almost like you mossad idf retards can't get in touch with your controllers anymore.
You need to try harder to sound like a pissed of pol/ack.
English is this (((shill)))'s second language.
IDF must be running LOW on willing recruits. Did they select a fucking sub 50 IQ retard for this?
> e0b726
>insulting its own ip hop to gain credibility
>still outs itself
Try, try as (((they))) might, they will fail.
anons do not double post like a (((faggot))) with a known (((shill))) pic.
We really are looking at the bottom of the barrel here, boys.
Read the JFK docs, read the literature, at least it's got a sauce unlike your (((faggot))) hebraic kvetching.
israel benefited greatly from jfk's death is a fact.
You fucking shills will learn the hard way our vengeance knows no limits.