Anonymous ID: a4a7eb Nazism Aug. 28, 2018, 5:20 a.m. No.2764923   🗄️.is 🔗kun

International communism was started well before the Bolshevik Revolution. It just had its first major breakout in Russia.


The Soviet Union was a farce by the globalists. It was fully supported by the banking houses of Wall St. The trucks driven down the Ho Chi Minh Trail bringing weapons were made in the Ford plant in Gorky.


It was clear that the "soft" socialism of Russia was a failure. This is when "hard" socialism was created with the Nazis. National Socialist German Worker's Party - NSDAP (in German).


National socialism was based upon authoritarian leadership around a central figure - Hitler instead of "soft" communism with the proletariat using their committees to get things done which did not work. Pure Marxism states nothing about the form of government. It says that the workers vote to determine what to do. This is the tail wagging the dog and it doesn't work.


Nazism was successful primarily due to propaganda. Goebbels followed Bernaye's handbook. The Germans did a splendid job with film, radio, pageantry - a truly multimedia experience. The downside to Hitler taking over the world was the fact that most people don't speak German and thus he could not get a larger audience for the message. He was an amazing public speaker. I used to do running translations for my fellow students in History class at university.


The Nazi revolution in Germany was extremely successful in the early years. They were interested in doing many different things and studied many movements in the US. This is how the Eugenics Movement got its real start with the euthanizing of the old and infirm and what lead to many atrocities.


Hitler didn't create the National Socialists, but he empowered them with his public speaking abilities. It was the banking interests that funded the Nazis.


The "dichotomy" of Fascism vs. Communism is a fiction of 20th century historians. It's every much a lie as that Fascism is somehow on the Right.


Ribbentrop had executed an agreement with Stalin. When Hitler invaded Poland from the west, the Russians invaded from the East and they split it. You don't hear about that in your pooblik skools.


The true enemy of collectivism has been western, liberal democracies (in the classical sense.) To be blunt, white Europeans are the enemy of the socialists because we don't conform easily.


By the late 1930s, the powers saw that they needed to stir the pot and they brought Churchill to power in all of his drunken stupor. He was kept funded by a group of bankers called "The Focus" - they were connected to Wall Street and to Bernard Baruch.


The idea seems to be to have white people killing other white people and destroying Europe so that the NWO can take over. War for fun and profit.


The plan against America and white people has been comprehensive. This is why you hear the white bashing on a minutely basis. That's why we've been blamed for slavery and all other evils the world has ever seen. This is where the dumbing down is part of their evil plan.


What we see in Europe now is the Kalergi plan on steroids. Frau Merkel has won the fucking Kalergi Prize for her efforts to destroy her own people!


In the end it's still the same assholes from before the French Revolution. Democrats are just American Jacobins.