Anonymous ID: bd9700 Aug. 28, 2018, 2:32 a.m. No.2764352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4383 >>4452 >>4620 >>4709 >>5018



Six Reasons Why AG Jeff Sessions is Trump’s Hammer in the Fight Against Illegal Migration


Attorney General Jeff Sessions is using his legal expertise and his authority to aggressively implement President Donald Trump’s policy against illegal immigration, even as he is getting flak from the President for recusing himself from Democratic-cheered investigations into the President’s campaign and business activities.

The next step for Sessions, says source, is the release of federal regulations that will replace the 2015 Flores settlement which requires officials to release migrants within 20 days if they bring children with them over the border.


The catch-and-release settlement was created in 2015 by a judge, the ACLU, and officials working for former President Barack Obama, and it has forced officials to release hundreds of thousands of Central American migrants who bring their children into the United States.



But the pending Flores regulation is just one of several major regulatory changes which Sessions which are shutting the various border loopholes which were created by pro-migration judges, advocacy groups and agency officials over the last 20 years.


“These changes are really possible because Jeff Sessions is Attorney General,” said Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies. Krikorian continued:


He both knows what has to be done, and is committed to making sure it happens. A different AG, even if he means well, would be unlikely to have both the knowledge and commitment to get these kinds of change though, and that assumes he even wanted to do so. A [George W.] Bush-retread might not even be committed to the President’s agenda … What matters are the policy changes that we are seeing, not the investigative circus which dominates the news.



Flores Regulations


Justice Department officials “are intimately involved in the drafting and coordination of the Flores regulations,” an agency source told Breitbart News. The proposed regulations soon will be posted at a government site for public comment, officials say.


The regulations likely will allow officials to keep migrants with children in detention for at least two months, ensuring that the migrants who bring children are not released into the United States to seek jobs.

Anonymous ID: bd9700 Aug. 28, 2018, 3:03 a.m. No.2764477   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4497



DNC Chief denies She was at hospital night of Seth Rich murder; Then Metro Police Drop the Hammer on DEM Leader


Donna Brazile, the former interim head of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), flatly denied claims by conservative blogger Matt Couch that she was at the same hospital where former DNC Staffer Seth Rich died.


Couch made several claims on Sunday and Monday that Brazile and Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Browser were at the hospital Rich was taken to the morning he was killed on July, 10 2016.


Couch said he had “credible” information from sources and added that he had information that was “verifiable” and he has “a way to prove it.”


Brazile on Monday claimed to be on the west coast at the time of the murder.


But two D.C. Metropolitan Police sources told True Pundit on Monday that the new revelations are relatively accurate.


“Ask Brazile for her cell phone records on the date involved,” one police source said. “That would settle it.


Pull the hospital (cctv video) tape from 4 am and let’s see who is on video arriving at the hospital. If you have nothing to hide, give Metro permission to release basic evidence.”


Credible points. Sounds very simple. Let’s see some records.


Don’t hold your breath.


Brazile snapped on Monday after the allegations, lashing out on Twitter and commissioning her lawyers to attack Couch.


Mayor Bowser’s office also denied the report. READ MORE:

Anonymous ID: bd9700 Aug. 28, 2018, 3:20 a.m. No.2764546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4709 >>4835



John McCain Took Part of $1 Million in Cash, Lavish Vacations, Private Jets from Conman; Then Lobbied Feds to Cover Up $3.4 BILLION Crook Ripped Off from Americans


That’s $3.4 Billion. Not million. Billion.


That is how much theft Sen. John McCain tried to help cover up from his friend and benefactor Charles Keating who had greased McCain and other senators with more than $1 million in political contributions. But that did not include the family vacations McCain’s family took with the Keating’s.


And the gifts.


And the campaign cash.


And the private jets.


And whatever side deals, property and cash these senators quietly scored.


So while everyone in D.C. now is offering tributes to John McCain — no one seems to remember the time he tried to make sure his pal could rip off billions from hard-working Americans who deposited their money in Lincoln Savings and Loan. Americans who lost their cash — and taxpayers who were on the hook for guaranteeing that money.


Credit Barack Obama for raising this scandal — a debacle McCain and his spin doctors have worked so hard to bury — in 2008 when he ran against McCain for the presidency.


Obama actually rolled out a website and made a documentary slamming McCain for his involvement. “McCain intervened on behalf of Charles Keating with federal regulators tasked with preventing banking fraud, and championed legislation to delay regulation of the savings and loan industry – actions that allowed Keating to continue his fraud at an incredible cost to taxpayers,” the site said.


The Facts: Keating was sentenced to prison and required to pay more than $1 billion in civil penalties after being convicted on fraud, racketeering and conspiracy charges centered around his running of Lincoln Savings and Loan, which he bought in 1984. On April 14, 1989, Lincoln was seized by the government at an eventual taxpayer cost of $3.4 billion, then the most expensive thrift bailout in history. Lincoln and Keating became national symbols of the savings-and-loans collapse of the ’80s – much as lending firms Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have symbolized the current financial meltdown.


McCain had been friends with Keating since the early ’80s – their families vacationed together several times, according to previous CNN reporting. Keating was an early financial supporter of McCain’s political career and donated to his campaigns repeatedly over the years. Keating’s first company, American Continental, was headquartered in Arizona, the state McCain represents. McCain became one of the so-called “Keating Five” – five U.S. senators investigated over accusations they tried to interfere in a federal investigation of Keating’s role in the savings-and-loan’s collapse.


In January 1985, while in the U.S. House, McCain co-sponsored a resolution that would have delayed the effective date of proposed government limits “on direct investment in real estate, service corporations, and equity securities by federally insured savings and loan associations.” He was one of the early sponsors, although a majority of Congress eventually signed on to sponsor it. The legislation would have impacted Keating’s business, but would have regulated the entire industry, not specifically Lincoln Savings and Loan.


McCain also wrote several letters to government regulators and other officials regarding the issue. One, dated Jan. 30, 1985, to White House chief of staff James Baker, called the proposed regulations “unwise,” saying the effort “flys (sic) in the face of our recent efforts to remove the hand of government from the affairs of private enterprise.”


On April 9, 1987, McCain and the other senators attended a meeting with federal regulators investigating Keating. McCain has since said he regrets doing so. “He asked me to help him,” he said during an October 2002 interview with Chicago’s WGN-AM radio station. “I said I wouldn’t do certain things. He called me a wimp. I threw him out of my office, but I still went to a meeting with four other senators with a group of regulators.” READ MORE:

Anonymous ID: bd9700 Aug. 28, 2018, 3:25 a.m. No.2764562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4819 >>4938 >>4949



FBI Official: FBI Agents Threatened Physical Harm to President Trump In Missing FBI Texts & Other “Frightening” Communications


“This is much larger than just texts between two FBI agents.”


A high-ranking FBI official confirms a number of the missing 50,000 FBI text messages — as well as other text and email messages among FBI brass — reportedly discussed initiating physical harm to President Donald Trump.


The FBI official urged the U.S. Department of Homeland Security — which oversees the U.S. Secret Service — to launch an investigation of the Justice Department, the FBI and all text messages missing and otherwise that threatened the President.


“This is dangerous territory and all FBI text messages and personal phones should be examined,” the official said. “It would reveal some frightening conversations.”


Did FBI brass discuss the assassination of President Donald Trump? If not, what was the nature of the threats against the president from inside the alleged premiere law enforcement agency in the United States?


“(Director) Wray wants a lid on this,” the FBI official said. “Many know there was talk of harming Trump politically but there is a group here (in D.C. HQ) that understands it goes deeper. We need a special counsel or Homeland Security. Somebody has to clean this up outside of DOJ. It is unacceptable.

Text messages just don’t disappear,” the FBI official said. “Not here. Someone outside DOJ has to look at all emails and texts. These (FBI bosses) are bad people. You’ve only scratched the surface.”


The high-ranking FBI official called on lawmakers and the Inspector General to focus on the text and email messages of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. The official referred to McCabe’s official and personal correspondences “an anti-Trump treasure trove.”


As reported in March 2017 by True Pundit, McCabe openly threatened President Trump and then-National Security Adviser Gen. Mike Flynn, saying first we “Fuck Flynn and then we Fuck Trump” to several high-ranking FBI bosses who cheered his comment.


From that True Pundit Exclusive:


McCabe, the second highest ranking FBI official, emphatically declared at the invite-only gathering with raised voice: “Fuck Flynn and then we Fuck Trump,” according to direct sources. Many of his top lieutenants applauded and cheered such rhetoric. A scattered few did not.


This was one of several such meetings held in seclusion among key FBI leaders since Trump was elected president, FBI sources confirm. At the congregation where McCabe went off the political rails and vowed to destroy Flynn and Trump, there were as many as 16 top FBI officials, inside intelligence sources said. No lower-level agents or support personnel were present.


If you are among the millions of Americans who have pondered in recent months whether the Obama-era “Deep State” intelligence apparatus and FBI are working for or against Trump, this is the first definitive proof that the country’s once-premiere law enforcement agency has gone rogue.


The non-elected hierarchy that steer the FBI have declared war on President Trump and his White House inner circle. Make no mistake.


Flynn has since been indicted and plead guilty to a charge of lying to the FBI from an investigation supervised by McCabe after a FBI interview conducted by Peter Strzok, one of the agents busted sending anti-Trump texts. And Trump remains under investigation by U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller, a figure linked to several conflicts of interest in the case including prior deals with McCabe.


As reported yesterday in True Pundit, members of the FBI and Justice Department’s top brass at their Washington D.C.headquarters and other field offices are now using burner phones to stay under the radar of federal investigators and lawmakers, according to FBI insiders.


The shocking revelations come on the heels of news that the FBI deleted thousands of text messages between anti-Trump FBI agents before investigators could review their content.


While that is disturbing on one level, FBI and DOJ hierarchy employing the telecom habits of drug cartel bosses reaches a new low for the once-heralded federal law enforcement agency and the DOJ. And breaks federal laws as well.


The FBI “failed to preserve” five months worth of text messages exchanged between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, the two FBI employees who made pro-Clinton and anti-Trump comments while working on the Clinton email and the Russia collusion investigations.


And now more text messages are missing from more FBI agents, according to the Justice Department.


That means 50,000 text messages.


Fifty. Thousand.



Anonymous ID: bd9700 Aug. 28, 2018, 3:52 a.m. No.2764636   🗄️.is 🔗kun



communism at it's best, so who owns the software? Who pays for all the work put in to it? How about music too.


fucking socialist idiot.