Who is Stanislav Yezhov and Henry Greenberg – why you should know
First – Who is ‘our guy’? By: HRC’s Field Sobriety Test@2xwide_dreaming
Dan Bongino did an awesome show on this topic, but…
Maybe we should look at a couple candidates that everyone is missing. Even if they aren’t ‘our guy’, it’ll be good to get better acquainted because there is something BIG there!
99% of the ‘inter-webs’ are already familiar with this topic, but for those that aren’t:
Listen to Bongino’s podcast - Bongino.com and
Read this article from The Markets Work
Is Julian Assange – “Our Guy” On August 7, 2018, John Solomon of the Hill published an article detailing Bruce Ohr’s ongoing interaction with Steele. The Solomon article referenced documents that had been seen. [2]
There are several being considered so here are a few common names: Deripaska, Rinat Akhmetshin, Mifsud & Milan, etc. But, are we missing the forest for the trees? What EXACTLY are we looking for?
Common Oversights:
** Described as former Russian intel
** He’s not around anymore
Unroll available on Thread Reader [3] @nick_well
Since we are looking for a former Russian Spy… I wonder why we don’t hear much about Stanislav Yezhov?!
I wrote this brief thread back in December. Here is a pic of him with Theresa May! There are others with him and Boris Johnson. [4]
IF he was ‘our guy’ I could certainly see why Steele would be worried about him going back home to Ukraine. I mean, he WAS arrested as a Russian Spy and all.
SBU suspects Groysman’s interpreter of spying for Russia | KyivPost Special Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) detained a high-ranking government official on suspicion of espionage for Russia, the agency’s press service reported on 20 DEC [5]
As an interpreter, Yezhov had some scary good access — he should have been front page news!
This guy actually had remarkable access in the US, as well. In fact, he lived here… and worked in the Ukrainan Embassy (Washington DC) in 2013 & ‘14.
This mini-thread shows just some of the access that this former Russian Spy had! IT. IS. STAGGERING. [6]
Why is no one talking about this guy?!?
And here is a picture of this suspected Russian spy with (former) VP Joe Biden!
A suspected Russian spy is now seen within arms reach of highest levels of US & UK leadership?
Here he is with Paul Ryan…
Here he is again with US Ambassador to UN, Samantha Power
Yezhov is a remarkable candidate!
ICYMI: Ukrainians accuse him of being turned while on a foreign assignment; the accusation sounds like it occurred during his stay in US!
And to make matters worse…
** His Russian wife worked for a major US Dept of Energy (nuclear) consulting firm. [You cannot make this up!]
Recall that 2013-2014 is the time period when Uranium One beginning to export from US…
Uranium One deal led to some exports to Europe, memos show After the Obama administration approved the sale of a Canadian mining company with significant U.S. [7]
But out of ALL of those photos in the previous thread that showed his level of access within US govt… did you pick up this minor detail?
On June 15, 2016 the accused Russian Spy attended a meeting with Joe Biden – Why is this date important?
Guccifer 2.0 DNC’s servers hacked by a lone hacker Worldwide known cyber security company CrowdStrike announced that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers had been hacked by “sophisticated” hacker groups. [8]
Interestingly, Yezhov also worked directly for Viktor Yanukovych. Yes, the same ‘Russian Sympathizer’ Dems bark at Manafort about. Below is a picture of Mueller & Yanukovych.
Why am I telling you this? Even if this isn’t ‘our guy’… it looks like we have a MAJOR PROBLEM HERE! I think researchers need to dig on this guy – there is more than enough to warrant attention and the media is basically SILENT! WHY?
Washington Post only has A SENTENCE regarding his meeting with Biden; doesn’t even mention he was here for 2 years! [9]
And if y’all do decide to dig, don’t forget to look into Chalupa – the media has also gone silent on her activity via Ukraine Embassy. Another Russian that fits the description. And the media silence is telling…