Anonymous ID: 845aed Aug. 28, 2018, 7:19 a.m. No.2765579   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5629 >>5647


Q drop eye opener for sure , many months of lurking 8chan and having Q come along and finally laying it all down..Now I know what Q meant by "putting people in hospital "

I have always believed my own crazy idea as to what has been going on , but shit….Been rehashing all this over 3 cups of coffee. fucking makes perfect sense to me now. funny how when your half right and don't know it wakes you up so rudely. last night an anon floated a idea along the lines of what I always believed but just jacked somewhat. , I responded by saying "your close , keep working on it". now It appears my ideas were half right ( or half cocked ) which ever…. I witnessed JFK being assasinated at an very early age , seen elections come and go , saw brown shirts openly recruiting at my college (btw..where did they go ?) , saw election fraud first hand and had to endure 16 yrs of insanity in Washington. now sitting in this nest of Patriots so what seems an eternity , I get it.

beware Anons this is the bastion of free thought , the shills are all the same entity. they are not different factions trying to divide , The script is painfully simple ( create chaos , distract and troll ) why do they always stick to script ? why does the script change as one ? they don't leave when Q posts , they re-script.

As for Q's finally dropping the seed…he has said more than once "there are no coincidence's". this is a spider web and it all leads back to Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empire. follow the crumbs , the first Reich , the second Reich ( Hitlers rise ) , the 3rd Reich and the mysterious 4th Reich. The looting of Europe , the sub's , South America. funny how the trail goes cold from there. Anybody really think they all just called it a day and went home ? CIA knew..fact. paperclip…fact , all the money suddenly being thrown at socialism…fact. Congress has been infiltrated , Governments have been infiltrated and society has been infiltrated.

This was not about money or greed , it's about usurping the free world.

This is gonna really fuck some people up.

God save the United States , God save the Anon's and God save GEOTUS

Anonymous ID: 845aed Aug. 28, 2018, 7:21 a.m. No.2765594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5666


Q drop eye opener for sure , many months of lurking 8chan and having Q come along and finally laying it all down..Now I know what Q meant by "putting people in hospital "

I have always believed my own crazy idea as to what has been going on , but shit….Been rehashing all this over 3 cups of coffee. fucking makes perfect sense to me now. funny how when your half right and don't know it wakes you up so rudely. last night an anon floated a idea along the lines of what I always believed but just jacked somewhat. , I responded by saying "your close , keep working on it". now It appears my ideas were half right ( or half cocked ) which ever…. I witnessed JFK being assasinated at an very early age , seen elections come and go , saw brown shirts openly recruiting at my college , saw election fraud first hand and had to endure 16 yrs of insanity in Washington. now sitting in this nest of Patriots so what seems an eternity , I get it.

beware Anons this is the bastion of free thought , the shills are all the same entity. they are not different factions trying to divide , The script is painfully simple ( create chaos , distract and troll ) why do they always stick to script ? why does the script change as one ? they don't leave when Q posts , they re-script.

As for Q's finally dropping the seed…he has said more than once "there are no coincidence's". this is a spider web and it all leads back to Charlemagne's Holy Roman Empire. follow the crumbs , the first Reich , the second Reich ( Hitlers rise ) , the 3rd Reich and the mysterious 4th Reich. The looting of Europe , the sub's , South America. funny how the trail goes cold from there. Anybody really think they all just called it a day and went home ? CIA knew..fact. paperclip…fact , all the money suddenly being thrown at socialism…fact. Congress has been infiltrated , Governments have been infiltrated and society has been infiltrated.

This was not about money or greed , it's about usurping the free world.

This is gonna really fuck some people up.

God save the United States , God save the Anon's and God save GEOTUS