I wish I would have made better choices in my life.
When I was young I thought lots of woman and lots
of beer was the way to go.
Now, though I relaize that fewer woman and little beer is better.
But the choices I, we have made cannot be undone.
I'm sorry. Had I not angered so many husbands, had I not gotten into those fights I would have built a better foundation with which I could use now to help this righteous cause (God).
That better foundation would have allowed me to speak openly and publically about God and about Q without shame..
Instead I must shrink away from the "action," fearing my personal failures in life, my record could hurt the movement.
I Got into a stupid argument with my neighbor and wound up catching a tresspass and assault charge from a push.
How a life of stupid little things like that can frustratingly add up over time.
I just wish I'd done better.
I just wish I'd been more humble..
But now though, it is done. It cannot be removed.
I'm just writing to say that I'm sorry that I was not a better example of Q America.
I'm sorry I was not a better Christian.
Because of my perceived short comings I wont be leading the charge here but I will definately still be a follower of this movement.
Do better than me so that when your time comes to lead you'll be ready instead of
cowering behind a life of wrong choices.