Anonymous ID: aeb81a Aug. 28, 2018, 7:40 a.m. No.2765739   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5754 >>5764 >>5801 >>5828

I have been waiting for the right time to talk to my in-laws about Q. They are conservative but in terms of red-pilling they are still are on children's chewables. Which is unfortunate because if my father-in-law could handle it, he would be a great researcher.


The other day at lunch we were talking about something in the news and I just asked if they had heard about Q. They said kind of (from the comments on Breitbart). Their understanding is just from references but they think Q is a conservative organization kind of like a think-tank.


Today, I am going to try to give them some crumbs but I was wondering if someone could help me with a place to guide them to for them to discover some things for themselves. This place is not for them and they are definitely not good for this place. I am going to the site with all of Q's posts and explain a little history of Q. Because I'm short on time, I would appreciate some opinions from anyone who has had experience with this regarding the best twitter or websites that's a step above Breitbart but drives them more directly to the plan? They still need feeding in a kind of direct way. Learning to think for themselves and trusting themselves is a bridge too far right now but I do want to get them further along than the average normie before the shit hits the fan.


Thanks in advance or fuck you in advance.