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Paul Ryan will soon face a "sense of decency" moment

By Fred Wertheimer


Updated 10:26 AM ET, Sat August 25, 2018


Next month, Republican Representatives Mark Meadows from North Carolina and Jim Jordan from Ohio – both leaders of the Freedom Caucus – are expected to press Speaker Ryan to bring to the House floor their resolution to hold Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in contempt of Congress for his failure to turn over documents tied to the Russia investigation. Back in May, despite threats of impeachment, Rosenstein was adamant that the Justice Department was "not going to be extorted."


And here is where Speaker Ryan will get his "decency" test:

Does he stand up for Rosenstein, a highly regarded public official with a long, successful and respected career in law enforcement? Or does Ryan schedule a House floor vote on a meritless and politically motivated resolution to hold Rosenstein in contempt of Congress?


Flood is coming.