Anonymous ID: 3687ce Aug. 28, 2018, 9:33 a.m. No.2766876   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dept Claims Cop Killed Himself, While Chasing Suspect, Days Before Testifying Against Dirty Cops


Baltimore police now want us to believe that a cop, set to testify against bad cops the day before, was chasing a suspect when all of the sudden he randomly shot himself.


Baltimore, MD — Last November, Baltimore City Police Detective Sean Suiter was shot and killed while on duty the day before he was set to testify against dirty cops in the department. Now, nearly a year later, the panel responsible for investigating the case have ruled his death a suicide, because they claimed they could not find any evidence of a second person in the area.


Not only was Suiter set to testify in a massive corruptions case the day after his shooting but his partner was off work that day and the commissioner lied about this important detail in a press conference where he revealed the details of the case to the media. The man who filled in as Suiter’s partner on the day of his death is friends with one of the officers who Suiter was set to testify against.


On November 22, Commissioner Davis made the claim to the media that Suiter was with his partner at the time of the shooting. However, back on November 16th, the Baltimore Sun reported that Det. Jonathan Jones was Suiter’s partner in the homicide unit, and that Jones happened to be off from work the day of the shooting. They even did an interview with him about his relationship with Suiter.


According to the police, Suiter and his replacement partner were looking for a witness from an old case when they allegedly noticed a “person acting suspiciously,” Suiter chased after the suspect and was shot and killed when he passed through an alleyway by himself.


The only description that the other officer on the scene gave was that it was a black man in a black hoodie with a white stripe on it. There is still no explanation as to where the other officer on the scene was at the time of the shooting.

Anonymous ID: 3687ce Aug. 28, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.2766924   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How The Media Is Duping Readers With ‘Anonymous Sources’


The media is using a sneaky trick to obfuscate who is serving as the “anonymous sources” in their reporting.


On Monday, Michael Cohen’s attorney Lanny Davis admitted to BuzzFeed News that he was one of the anonymous sources cited in CNN’s reckless reporting on the 2016 Trump Tower meeting. (RELATED: CNN Still Stands By Trump Tower Story Despite Lanny Davis Admitting He Lied To Them)


In addition to debunking key parts of CNN’s reporting, Davis also inadvertently revealed how CNN duped its readers into believing Davis wasn’t a source for the story.


While Davis served as an anonymous source, CNN also allowed him to decline a comment on the record. This leads readers to believe that the only communication CNN had with Davis was for him to refuse to comment on the story — even though he was one of the sources feeding CNN the story in the first place.


Politico reporter Marc Caputo explained the duplicitous nature of such an arrangement.

Anonymous ID: 3687ce Aug. 28, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.2766956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7034

NY Democratic Socialist Candidate Under Fire For Claiming She's Jewish And An Immigrant


Evidence has surfaced apparently rebutting the supposed claims of a New York State Senate candidate, a democratic socialist, that she is Jewish and an immigrant.


Julia Salazar, who is supported by Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour, is running for a seat in Brooklyn’s 18th district. She has had numerous profiles in media outlets; some of which described her as Jewish. JTA referred to her as Jewish; Lilith magazine wrote that Salazar’s father was “a Sephardic Jew from Colombia”, and the Forward remarked that “her father was Jewish.” As The Times Of Israel notes, “The author of the Forward piece, Ben Fractenberg, told JTA that he recalls her saying that her father was Jewish.”


But a comprehensive report in Tablet, an online magazine, noted the seeming inconsistencies in Salazar’s story. Salazar’s brother Alex told Tablet, “There was nobody in our immediate family who was Jewish … my father was not Jewish, we were not raised Jewish.”


Salazar countered the claims that she is not Jewish by writing on Facebook Messenger, “My parents weren’t religious when my brother and I were growing up. Some of my extended family are Jewish; many are Catholic. Others converted from Judaism to Catholicism. My dad didn’t identify as Jewish (or any other religion, although his funeral was in a Catholic church).”


Armin Rosen, writing for Tablet, did not deny Salazar’s right to claim a Jewish identity, but pointed out that when she was an undergraduate at Columbia University she seemed to identify as a conservative Christian.

Anonymous ID: 3687ce Aug. 28, 2018, 9:43 a.m. No.2766997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7327

CT School Board Chairman Resigns After Vote to Recite Pledge of Allegiance

Anonymous ID: 3687ce Aug. 28, 2018, 9:45 a.m. No.2767022   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nolte: Someone Tell Carl Bernstein the Cover-Up Is Worse than the Crime


CNN’s Carl Bernstein, the man made co-famous through his historic Watergate reporting, lied to us — to all of us. And he is now engaged in a cover up to protect this lie.


I am not even talking about his fake news about the Trump Tower meeting, which I will get to in a bit — I am talking about a flat-out, provable lie.


In a July 27 piece of very fake news Bernstein co-wrote with CNN anchor (and former Obama official) Jim Sciutto and researcher Marshall Cohen, Bernstein declaratively informs us, “Contacted by CNN, one of Cohen’s attorneys, Lanny Davis, declined to comment.”


That statement is a lie, a proven lie, a bald-faced lie, because we now know for a fact that Lanny Davis did NOT decline to comment. What’s more, Davis was a CNN source for that steaming pile of very fake news.


In other words… the anti-Trump Carl Bernstein did not only spread fake news, the anti-Trump Carl Bernstein published a straight-up lie in his fake news, reported something he knew was not true.

Anonymous ID: 3687ce Aug. 28, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.2767042   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Jake Tapper Praises ‘Golden Age of Journalism,’ Trump Policies ‘Built’ on ‘Racism’


CNN’s Jake Tapper described some of President Donald Trump’s policies as being built on “racism” while praising what he said was today’s “golden age of journalism.” He made his remarks last Thursday at the American Society of Travel Agents convention in Washington, DC.


Tapper said that some of Trump’s policies are occasionally built on “racism,” “in the views of many people” [emphasis added]:


How are these policy disruptions being implemented? Just from a purely journalistic standpoint, I think it’s fair to say that bureaucratically — I don’t mean that pejoratively, but just the idea of how it’s functioning — a lot of times these proposals are done impulsively, a lot of times they’re done without explaining why they’re being done, a lot of times they’re done without interagency discussion, a lot of times they’re done without any sense of diplomacy, a lot of time they’re done without any sort of communication with experts or even cabinet secretaries that are relevant to the policy, and sometimes they’re built on foundations that are, shall we say, made of sand. Whether it is built on lies, facts that are not accurate, or racism, in the views of many people, callousness, or even just a lack of understanding.


Tapper framed himself as a voice for “basic facts, basic truth, and basic decency,” while implicitly accusing Trump of not condemning “white supremacy”:


Where it is difficult to be a journalist today is when it comes to what I perceive as standing up for basic facts, basic truth, and basic decency. These are the only things and principles I try to take a stance on, because as a journalist, I don’t think it’s my position to say, ‘This tax bill is good. This tax bill is bad. This candidate is good. This candidate is bad.’ But when it comes to basic decency, I think we can all agree that white supremacy is horrific and an outdated and anachronistic ideology that should be condemned by polite society.


Tapper cast Trump as a violator of “norms” and “decency”:


I’ve never seen this kind of disregard for norms as pervasive as it is. … In my lifetime, I have never seen the disregard for norms of this is true, this is not true, this is decent, this is not decency.


Tapper praised the broader news media landscape, describing today as a “golden age of journalism”:


I see a lot of excellent journalism being done. This is a golden age of journalism in a lot of ways. The New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times; there’s some really great journalism being done, right now. I think we’re doing a lot of great journalism at CNN.


CNN markets itself as a politically objective and non-partisan news media outlet. It brands itself as “The Most Trusted Name In News” with the slogan “Facts First.”

Anonymous ID: 3687ce Aug. 28, 2018, 9:51 a.m. No.2767083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US army accuses RT of ‘ridiculous misinformation’ over Syria, but not UN or NBC


A US Army colonel has accused RT of ‘ridiculous misinformation’ for reporting a Russian government suggestion that Islamic State is operating inside a US-controlled zone in Syria, despite the UN and NBC reporting the same.


On Thursday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova told journalists that Moscow has received information that armed members of Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and the Al-Qaeda proxy group Jabhat al-Nusra had found shelter in the Rukban refugee camp, located in the southwest Al-Tanf region of Syria, and that the US knows the terrorists are there.

Anonymous ID: 3687ce Aug. 28, 2018, 9:53 a.m. No.2767096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7112 >>7327

South Africa’s ruling ANC says land expropriation bill withdrawn for further reconsideration


A bill allowing the South African government to seize private land without compensation has been withdrawn by the Portfolio Committee on Public Works pending further study, according to the ruling African National Congress.


In 2015, the ANC proposed a constitutional amendment allowing the government to seize and redistribute land without any compensation to its owners. The draft, which has not been adopted so far, evoked widespread international outrage and multiple media reports of alleged violence against white South African farmers, including murders.


The committee’s chairperson, Humphrey Mmemezi, said the bill was referred to parliament on procedural grounds, but they couldn’t duplicate a separate parliamentary process.


“If we, as Parliament, resolve to hear the people of South Africa on that important clause, it then goes without question that we must send the bill back to Parliament,” he said, adding the committee had no choice but to withdraw it.


However, the ANC reiterated its commitment to pursue the country’s controversial land reform program. The ruling party wants to redistribute the land confiscated from white farmers to the black citizens of the country. Since the end of apartheid in 1994, the ANC has followed a “willing-seller, willing-buyer” model. Under the plan, the government buys land from white landowners and redistributes it among black citizens of the country. However, the land reform program has not brought the results the ANC wanted.


South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced this month that his government is enforcing a change in the constitution to allow the expropriation of land without compensation. According to the ANC, the white minority in the country still own most of the land more than two decades after the end of apartheid.


Much of the farmland in South Africa is owned by the country’s white minority, also known as Afrikaners, descendants of Dutch and English settlers. The former British colony instituted a policy of strict racial segregation, known as apartheid, in 1948. It was formally abolished in 1994.


The ANC government denies there is a widespread or systematic campaign to kill or expel white farmers, but maintains that major redistribution is needed to correct the legacy of colonialism. A number of Afrikaners have already emigrated, with as many as 15,000 Boers recently expressing interest in settling in southern Russia.


There has been a reported rise in violent attacks against farmers in South Africa. There were 74 farm murders and 638 attacks, primarily against white farmers, in 2016-17, according to data by minority rights group AfriForum.


The South African officials reportedly seized two farms last week from owners who refused to accept the government-set compensation.

Anonymous ID: 3687ce Aug. 28, 2018, 9:54 a.m. No.2767103   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Theresa May Dances in South Africa As Government Debates Racist Policy of Pushing White Farmers Off Their Land (VIDEO)


UK Prime Minister Theresa May is on her first official visit to South Africa.


The British prime minister made the trip during a tumultuous time for the former colony. The South African government this year is discussing ways to steal land from white farmers without compensation.

Anonymous ID: 3687ce Aug. 28, 2018, 9:56 a.m. No.2767121   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"This Has To Stop": Czech PM Calls For No Illegal Immigrants In Europe


Echoing Italy's Interior Minister Matteo Salvini and Hungary's PM Viktor Orban - and to a large extent president Trump - billionaire Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis said on Monday that a comprehensive action plan is necessary to stop illegal migration, which he will address on a visit to Italy and Malta this week.


"If Italy and Malta won't welcome (the migrants), then Spain will. And so we're sending the message to migrants that it's possible to come to Europe, from Morocco via Spain," Babis wrote in an opinion piece in the Czech broadsheet daily DNES.


"This has to stop. Otherwise we'll never stop the migrant influx," added the businessman and head of the populist ANO movement. "I plan to discuss this with EU leaders and take part in implementing a comprehensive action plan."


The Czech premier's visit to Italy and Malta coincides with that of Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban, who maintains the same hard line on illegal migration.


"I want to discuss the issue with my partners in Italy and Malta and of course also with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who recently negotiated with Spain," Babis said.


Underscoring the same position held by Italy, Babis said that "we need to begin cooperating in a serious way to find a solution because we needlessly lost three years to an inane debate on migrant quotas."


Migration is a hot political issue in the Czech Republic, an EU and NATO member of 10.6 million people where just a handful of refugees have settled since the migrant crisis of 2015.


Babis reiterated Monday that the Czech Republic would welcome "no illegal migrants" according to The Local.


"It's a key move, a symbol and a message to migrants and migrant smugglers that it's pointless to take a boat destined for Europe," Babis said.


Last month Babis said Italy's request that EU peers take some of 450 migrants stranded at sea was "a road to hell".

Anonymous ID: 3687ce Aug. 28, 2018, 10:02 a.m. No.2767195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7277


So Hussein directed the FBI/DOJ to sign FISA. We knew or at least suspected this.


Seems like more of what we already know just presented anew.


Time to make some noise Q, many who woke are falling back to sleep.

Anonymous ID: 3687ce Aug. 28, 2018, 10:05 a.m. No.2767238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7250 >>7279 >>7323 >>7327

Ben Garrison’s website GrrrGraphics suspended


Site down. suspended . working on it. We will post cartoons on social media until back up Grrrgraphics was a baaaad dog.