Anonymous ID: 385b9c Aug. 28, 2018, 9:36 a.m. No.2766913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6969 >>6980

What part of "We have been lied to our whole lives" don't somevof you Anons understand? If you think you know everything about the Jews & Nazis then why are you here? You aren't truly red pulled & don't want to be! None of us know the REAL TRUTH about our history or what the Real Evil has lied to us about.


STOP with the preconceived notions regarding the Jews & Nazism & keep an open mind & follow the crumbs Q drops. Hell, last time when he started dropping information about Nazism the little Anons who thought they were red pulled lost their damn minds & Q had to pull back.


We do NOT know the whole truth or even half of the truth…so keep your minds open & stop thinking you have all the answers. We are hear to find the truth & dig on the truth & share what we find together so we can discern.


It is sad to see so many Anons with their minds completely made up on what they think is the truth regarding Nazism & Jews…on all sides of the issues.


Take the red pill Anons.