Anonymous ID: 826a30 Aug. 28, 2018, 9:16 a.m. No.2766711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6743 >>6791 >>6797 >>6865 >>6914 >>7005 >>7126 >>7129 >>7149 >>7151 >>7199 >>7209 >>7230 >>7338



What would you think of a second tier notables system, which may be called Valuables?

As you know, notables are not endorsements thus as long as something is relatively sourced and looks somewhat related, they can (and should be) called notable.

It is quite flexible, but this flexibility comes with a drawback: not every notable is of same value, but are treated as such.

Most of notables are composed of recent news, twitter feeds, related articles etc. which are fine.

But some notables are original content, recent examples being an anon's Epstein island pics and the SWIFT transaction logs of 750,000 tons of gold.

These are notables are either actual (deep) digs or possible drops and as such they are simply on a different league, so they should be at least be categorized differently to show this fact.

So i am proposing a second tier of notables, which again may be called Valuables(open for suggestions) that is composed of notables that are actually worth something.


If it's implemented, it'll work like this:

  1. An anon calls a notable.

  2. If agreed, baker adds it to the bread.

  3. After a while(or even next bread) an anon sees the value in the notable and details the reasons and makes the valuable call on the notable.

  4. If agreed, baker promotes notable to valuable. (add/copy to Valuables section, leave mark on notable to show it has been promoted)


Acting as a second level filter, Valuables will update more slowly compared to Notables and each valuable will stay on the bread for longer.

As humans we often forget about things that are not directly in front of our eyes, so i am hoping Valuables will help us not forget important things for a longer period of time.

Also, what Valuables essentially will be is data points of higher confidence/possibility, and as they pile up, it will be easier for us (and normies) to paint the bigger picture by using them.


What do you think?

Anonymous ID: 826a30 Aug. 28, 2018, 9:39 a.m. No.2766947   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7002


How do you even know i am not doing it?

Weren't i supposed keep them for myself?

Simply looking for opinion is failure?


Wait, you are the child aren't you? Go ahead, carry on your "execution".


So f*cking stupid.



The post had/has what seems as original scanned documents. I do not claim that they are totally legitimite, just MAYBE important enough to at least keep in mind. How many of other notables can you say the same?



Understandable, baker.

ANY OTHER IDEAS? You know, for the board to EVOLVE?



This is only the second time.





Still can't decide if shilling or just extreme stupidity.

Anonymous ID: 826a30 Aug. 28, 2018, 9:54 a.m. No.2767100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7130


>Do you know how many such projects exist already?

Point me to them.


>Can you list the existing notables archives?

They are in the dough. Also what would that accomplish? It's not hard to construct such a thing.


I shouldn't even be speaking to you, but feedback is feedback.

Anonymous ID: 826a30 Aug. 28, 2018, 10:03 a.m. No.2767215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7251


They are not the same. (/qpro/ comes close, but still)

They don't fix the problem. (method to hivemind)

You don't even understand! And have been quite aggressive!

Done with you.

Anonymous ID: 826a30 Aug. 28, 2018, 10:15 a.m. No.2767354   🗄️.is 🔗kun





OK. Let's at least start with this.

I wanted to start an external thread/board to keep track anyway.



Categories (or rather tags) would work very well, but require external tools.

Valuables are simply another category, but even that is a lot of extra load for bakers.

Thank you for your input.