Anonymous ID: b9118e Aug. 28, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.2767398   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It was the Joooos!!! The Pope, HRC, McCain, Bruce Ohr. All them Joooos did it!


Fuck the jooos!


There! I'm now the head anon on 8ch, the MuhJooosChan site. After all, BO let's fucking MuhJooosBakers remain.


Fuck here. I'll wait for the plan to play out, but 8ch and its constant MuhJooos Bullshit is out of touch.


It's the Jooos!!! The Jooos!

The Jooos! Pope Jooo! NoName Jooo! Hussein the Jooo! The jooos!!!