Anonymous ID: e98413 Aug. 28, 2018, 9:44 a.m. No.2767008   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After assembling this illustration, realized there were far too many Q crumbs linked to the No Name case that it would be best to highlight fairly recent Q Posts merely as reference material on one page. Anons can study and draw conclusions, build theories, gather impressions from 20,000 ft elevation.


Q 1934 included a line that appears to respond to Cindy McCain.



And so that response was added to the illustration assembled here.


Q: [He did not depart on his own terms]


This may refer to No Name's death or to his pending departure from the Senate (not running again).


Note in the twat that a phrase was used that is ambiguous, yes, but which also has become commonly used as a euphemism for taking one's own life.


She said: on his own terms.


Allspeed Anons.

Anonymous ID: e98413 Aug. 28, 2018, 9:58 a.m. No.2767151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7354



Tiers? No.


Categories, yes if based on clear criteria.


Original analysis.

Original reference content.

Original graphic to illustrate either of above.


Sauce essential natch.


KISS best. Assume, safely, Anons capable of assessing and categorizing anyway.


New comers may need simple categories as learning vehicle. Only handful, not exhaustive or would become exhausting for all Bakers and all other Anons.