Anonymous ID: 88f48d Aug. 28, 2018, 10:31 a.m. No.2767555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7595

In one of the vids Q posted, Reagan is quoting Churchill.


What did he mean by this? (Pic highlight related)

Anonymous ID: 88f48d Aug. 28, 2018, 10:51 a.m. No.2767846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7869 >>8018 >>8125

Iranian MPs call to put Rouhani on trial

Iran's parliament rejects President Rouhani's explanations of dire economic situation in wake of renewed US sanctions.


A number of MPs from the conservative faction of the Iranian parliament have called for Iranian President Hasan Rouhani to face trial over the Islamic Republic's economic woes.


Rouhani was summoned before parliament Tuesday to explain his response to the economic situation, which has many Iranian citizens protesting against the government. It was the first time Rouhani was summoned to appear before the parliament since he assumed office in 2013.


Rouhani denied that Iran is facing an economic crisis. "It should not be said we are facing a crisis. There is no crisis. If we say there is, it will become a problem for society and then a threat."


"You may talk about employment, foreign currency, recession, smuggling… I think the problem is in people's view of the future," he added.


"The people are not afraid of the United States, they are afraid of our disagreements. If the people see we are united, they will realize the problems will be resolved," he told the lawmakers. "We will not allow a bunch of anti-Iranians who have gathered in the White House to conspire against us."


The Iranian president did not offer any concrete policy proposals to boost Iran's economy in the wake of renewed US sanctions.


The parliament voted to reject most of Rouhani's explanations, with some calling for his indictment.


Right-wing MP Mojtaba Zolnour said that Rouhani had created a "palace of dreams" with the 2015 nuclear deal with former US President Barack Obama. "With one kick from Trump, this palace was demolished, and you didn't have an alternative."