Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 10:24 a.m. No.2767453   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7467 >>7508

Close ally of Khamenei issues death threat against Rouhani


A close ally of Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has accused President Hassan Rouhani of “treason” and threatened to traitors, Arabi21 reported yesterday.


According to the site, an Iranian news group said the threat had come from Mansour Ardi.


Ardi spoke at a gathering in Tehran prior to Eid Al-Adha and described Rouhani and the late Iranian president Ali Akbar Hashem Rafsanjani as “traitors”, threatening to kill traitors.


“That person [Rafsanjani] died in a swimming pool,” Ardi said, “and this person [Rouhani] is likely to die in a swimming pool.”


Ardi came under heavy criticism following his speech with the Islamic Republic newspaper saying in an editorial yesterday: “The seniors who stand behind Ardi recognise the current sensitivity in the country and the dangers targeting the Iranian ruling system, therefore, they have to stop the extremist from speaking.”

Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.2767473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7521 >>7708 >>8018 >>8125

DEVELOPING: Bruce Ohr Arrives on Capitol Hill For Closed-Door Grilling Over His Contacts With Christopher Steele (VIDEO)


Twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr arrived to Capitol Hill Tuesday morning for a closed-door grilling from House Oversight and House Judiciary members over his contacts with dossier author Christopher Steele.


FOX News’ Catherine Herridge confronted Ohr with several questions, however, he sipped his coffee and refused to answer any of them.


“Who authorized your contacts with the FBI?” Herridge asked.


Text messages, emails and handwritten notes penned by twice-demoted DOJ official Bruce Ohr have trickled out to reporters over the last few weeks showing the very deep connection Ohr had with Christopher Steele.


Bruce Ohr was acting as a backchannel for Steele after the FBI terminated him in November of 2016 for breaking protocol by leaking to the media.


The former Associate Deputy AG was also meeting with co-founder of Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson and was given a memory stick by Simpson. Investigators still haven’t revealed what was on the memory stick.


Glenn Simpson wasn’t Bruce Ohr’s only connection to Fusion GPS, his wife Nellie Ohr also worked for the oppo research firm.


Nellie Ohr also previously worked for the CIA and was a corrupt Communist sympathizer who spoke fluent Russian–both important pieces of information the fake news media glosses over.


Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) revealed Monday evening Congressional investigators have learned new information suggesting the FBI and DOJ previously leaked information to the press then used those same press stories as a separate source to justify seeking FISA warrants on Trump advisor Carter Page.

Congressman Meadows asked Monday evening, “Did [Bruce Ohr] he ever do this?”


Is this guy a Chinese spy?

Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 10:26 a.m. No.2767485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7534

As Land Confiscations Loom, South Africa Rules 300,000 Gun-Owners Turn Over Their Weapons


The Constitutional Court of South Africa recently ruled that 300,000 gun owners must turn in their firearms.


This judgement came in response to the North Gauteng High Court’s ruling in 2017 which said Section 24 and Section 28 of the Firearm’s Control Act were unconstitutional.


A report from The Citizen explains what Section 24 and Section 28 entail:


“Section 24 of the Act requires that any person who seeks to renew a licence must do so 90 days before its expiry date Section 28 stipulates that if a firearm licence has been cancelled‚ the firearm must be disposed of or forfeited to the state. A 60-day time frame was placed on its disposal, which was to be done through a dealer.”


Now that the High Court’s initial ruling has been overturned, gun owners who failed to renew their firearms licenses must hand in their firearms to the nearest police station, where authorities will then proceed to destroy them.


Many naïve political observers will paint this event as a casual gun control scheme, but any astute student of politics will recognize that the floodgates are now open for further encroachments – not only on the gun rights of South Africans, but also on others facets of theirs lives.


A look at South Africa’s current political climate will give us an idea of the potential ramifications of this gun control scheme.

Political Trouble Brewing in South Africa?


Though South Africa witnessed rising levels of economic freedom shortly after Apartheid ended in 1994, the country has taken a more interventionist path to economic development in recent years.


This situation is becoming more pronounced with the South African National Assembly recently voting 241-83 to amend the South African constitution to allow for land expropriation without compensation.


The socialist-leaning African National Congress (ANC) and the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) parties are leading the charge for expropriation under the banner of fixing racial disparities that have supposedly remained intact since Apartheid’s conclusion.


While land confiscation has not been officially finalized, South Africans should worry about the direction their country is going.


And how does gun control fit into this equation?

Gun Control: A Tool for Tyranny


No matter how socialist apologists rationalize it, the redistributionist agenda the South African government is pursuing will not be implemented passively. Ultimately, it must be carried out by force.


The kind of force socialists seek is a monopolized kind, which extreme forms of gun control like gun confiscation help facilitate.


The history of gun confiscation is one of repeated cases of tyranny.


From countries such as Cuba to the Soviet Union, aspiring demagogues have used gun confiscation to disarm the populace. Logically, an unarmed populace will put up little resistance against their tyrannical acts.


In South Africa’s case, farmers and their workers are already suffering ongoing attacks against their property. One could only imagine what it would be like for these persecuted farmers once they are stripped of their right to self-defense.


For many Americans who have enjoyed historically unprecedented gun rights, South Africa’s gun control experience may seem distant and strange.


But make no mistake about it, South Africa’s latest flirtation with gun control is not based on good intentions, especially when considering the political climate the country is enduring.


South Africa should serve as a fair warning to Americans of the dangerous consequences gun control poses.

Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 10:28 a.m. No.2767505   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rouhani appears before parliament to answer economic questions


Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has appeared before the Parliament to answer a series of questions raised by lawmakers on his administration’s economic performance.


During Tuesday’s parliamentary session, lawmakers posed questions on the Rouhani administration’s handling of the country’s economic issues, including a high unemployment rate, slow economic growth and a devaluation of Iran’s rial currency as well as goods and currency smuggling.


The lawmakers are also critical of the continuation of banking sanctions against Tehran despite the 2015 nuclear deal – under which those restrictions should no longer exist.


Responding to the lawmakers' questions, Rouhani defended his administration’s performance in two rounds. Based on the results of a vote conducted at the end of the session, the parliamentarians were not convinced with the president's answers on four out of the five questions raised. They only found the president's response to the issue of banking sanctions satisfying.


First assuming power in 2013, President Rouhani's “Prudence and Hope” government has been credited with clinching a historical nuclear accord with world states only two years later.


The agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), relieved the country of nuclear-related sanctions – including those imposed by the US – and was subsequently endorsed in the form of a UN Security Council resolution.


In May, however, the US left the deal in clear breach of its international obligations, and reinstated sanctions against Iran as part of its fresh campaign of economic pressure.


A first round of the bans came into force earlier this month, while the second batch is due to take effect in early November.


The government has vowed to try to make good on its pledges of commitment to national prosperity and counter the Washington-led campaign of economic pressure.


Iran's parliament, the Majlis, has on several occasions called Rouhani’s ministers to account.


Already this month, it has removed Labor Minister Ali Rabi’ei, and Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Masoud Karbasian in back-to-back impeachments.

Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.2767529   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Washington tells UN court it has no jurisdiction to rule in Iran sanctions case


The United States told UN judges on Tuesday they had no jurisdiction to rule on Tehran’s demand for them to order the suspension of nuclear-related sanctions against Iran. Tehran has argued that US President Donald Trump breached a 1955 treaty with his decision to re-impose the sanctions after withdrawing from a multilateral nuclear deal. US State Department lawyer Jennifer Newstead told the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague that it “lacks prima facie jurisdiction to hear Iran’s claims.” She argued that the US has the right to protect its national security and other interests, AFP reports. The treaty “cannot therefore provide a basis for this court’s jurisdiction” in the case, she added. In the first day of hearings at the ICJ on Monday, Iran’s lawyers said the sanctions were threatening the welfare of its citizens and disrupting tens of billions of dollars’ worth of business deals.

Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 10:30 a.m. No.2767543   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Foiled bomb plot sees France warn diplomats against non-essential travel to Iran – leaked memo


The French government has warned its diplomats and foreign ministry officials against all unnecessary travel to Iran, citing a foiled bomb plot against a dissident rally in Paris as warnings of a more aggressive Tehran.


Written by the ministry’s Secretary General Maurice Gourdault-Montagne on August 20, the memo seen by Reuters refers to a foiled bomb plot against an Iranian dissident rally in Paris earlier this year. It explains it as a “hardening” of Iran’s position regarding France, “as well as some of our allies.”


“Given the known security risks… all departmental officers, whether from headquarters or (overseas) posts, are required to defer until further notice, except for urgent work, any travel plans in Iran,” the memo advised.


The rally in question was hosted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) on June 30 and was also attended by US President Donald Trump’s lawyer, former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani. Iran has previously denied any involvement with the plot.


The memo follows on from earlier travel advice handed out to French travelers on May 10, warning its citizens against entering Iran with electronic equipment such as drones and walkie-talkies, and taking too many photographs.


News of the leaked memo comes as Iranian President Hassan Rouhani urged the remaining signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal to act to save the pact on Monday, following the US’ withdrawal by Donald Trump in May.


A spiraling in diplomatic relations with France could make economically-hit Iran’s position even tougher.


Earlier, French President Emmanuel Macron reiterated his commitment to the Iran nuclear deal, but he and European allies in favor of keeping it have proven unable to talk Trump out of renewed sanctions on Iran.


French oil and gas firm Total and automotive outfits PSA and Renault have been among European investors pulling out of Iran fearing the potential reach of US sanctions.

Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 10:38 a.m. No.2767665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7676 >>8018 >>8125

Theresa May Announces Support For South African ‘No Compensation’ Land Reform


UK Prime Minister Theresa May has announced her backing of the controversial South African proposal to strip farmers of their land without compensation as long as the process is done in a “legal” manner.


The UK PM’s support for the land reform expropriation without compensation, which is currently not possible and requires changes to the South African constitution to implement, came during her first trip to the African continent this week, Independent Online reports.


In a statement on Tuesday, Mrs May said: “The UK has for some time now supported land reform. Land reform that is legal, that is transparent, that is generated through a democratic process. It’s an issue that I raised and discussed with President Ramaphosa when he was in London earlier this year. I’ll be talking about it with him later today.”


Gerard Batten, leader of UKIP, slammed May’s comments saying: “Theresa May says she supports land reform in South Africa that is legal. Many countries in the world have taken actions which are ‘legal’, but that doesn’t make them morally right.”


“It is reprehensible that Mrs May is standing shoulder to shoulder with the leader of a country who enacts these racist policies. This government has no credibility whatsoever when it speaks of protecting human rights if it looks the other way when our supposed international partners commit abuses.”


“White farmers are having their land taken away, they are being attacked and murdered for no other reason than they are white. It should be the duty of international leaders to speak up against what is a form of ethnic cleansing, not condone it by mealy-mouthed references to legality,” he added.

Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 10:40 a.m. No.2767691   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Justice Department Announces Deferred Prosecution Agreement With Basler Kantonalbank

Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.2767745   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The US is increasing the number of cruise missile carriers in the Middle East to attack Syrian government forces, to be activated after the planned staging (hoaxing or false-flagging – ed) of alleged chemical weapons in jihadist-held Idlib province, the official representative of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Monday, Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Igor Konashenkov.


“The United States continues to increase the number of cruise missile carriers in the Middle East in connection to the preparations in Idlib province for yet another provocation with the alleged ‘use of chemical weapons,'” said the representative of the Russian entity.


According to the Major General, the American destroyer equipped with 28 Tomahawk missiles that recently entered the waters of the Mediterranean Sea could attack any part of Syria.


“On Aug. 25, the US Navy’s Ross destroyer, armed with 28 Tomahawk missiles, entered the Mediterranean Sea. Its range of action allows for attacks on the entire territory of Syria,” he said.


The USS Ross was used to hit Syria while based off the coast of Spain. Here’s video of that event last April, which FRN covered at the time, before being taken down that same night by US proxy hackers.


In addition, formerly another US destroyer, the 56-unit USS The Sullivans arrived in the Persian Gulf, while a B-1B bomber with 24 cruise missiles was moved to the US military base in Qatar.


Konashenkov detailed that the “preparations are a further confirmation of US intentions to take advantage of the staging organized by combatants of the [Al-Qaeda affiliated] Tahrir al-Sham [formerly the Al-Nusra Front], with the active involvement of the British secret services in Idlib province, with alleged ‘use of chemical weapons’ by Syrian forces.” Here he refers chiefly to the British MI6.


Yesterday, Igor Konashenkov reported that the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria has information according to which foreign experts would have arrived at the de-escalation zone at Idlib to stage a “chemical attack”.


This comes as the Syrian Army, spearheaded by their elite 4th Mechanized Units, Tiger Forces and Republican Guards, make final preparations to liberate the jihadist-held province. The operation against Idlib is expected to begin at some time in September.

Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 10:55 a.m. No.2767919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7966 >>7994



In a major development of Putin’s war against the Russian-based but US-Israel supported Oligarchy, the Russian president has forced the ‘nationalization’ of foreign-capital forces into becoming domesticated ‘Tycoons’. The latest developments today will likely affect the mining company Nornickel and the diamond producer Alrosa, two industries well established as globalist enclaves in world-trade.


In Russian discourse, an ‘Oligarch’ are those capitalists whose activities and profits are privatized and work towards globalist interests, whereas ‘Tycoons’ are those capitalists whose activities have been domesticated and their profits ultimately socialized towards national-sovereign interests. In functional terms, the project is to make Oligarchs into Tycoons, or simply put them out of business, ‘one way or another’. That means that the Tycoons are answerable to the Siloviki – the military/intelligence pillar of post-Soviet power in Russia.


In Marxian terminology, for example, this is the difference between the financial capitalists and the industrial capitalists, with orthodox Marxists differentiating the comparatively progressive role played by industrial capitalists, engaged in the production of actual tangible goods and services, as opposed to interest-seeking capitalists, represented by banks and similar.


While Marxism is no longer the official ideology of Russia, since the early 90’s, the discourse of its expert community reflects the Soviet-era education and manner of understanding the difference between these two ‘bourgeois’ sectors in a capitalist society. This conception is also circulated within corporatism models as well.

Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 10:58 a.m. No.2767976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8018 >>8125 >>8127

LIARS GET CAUGHT: Comey, Yates, Rosenstein and McCabe All Signed Sworn FISA Statements That Did Not Mention Bruce or Nellie Ohr


Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) told Fox News host Martha MacCullum on Monday that he’s seen the unredacted FISA applications used to spy on a Trump campaign volunteer.

Rep. Ratcliffe , a former US Attorney from Texas, told Martha that none of the four FISA applications signed by former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe, and current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein mentioned Bruce or Nellie Ohr.


This information was purposely withheld from the FISA requests which is a criminal act.


LIARS GET CAUGHT: Comey, Yates, Rosenstein and McCabe All Signed Sworn FISA Statements That Did Not Mention Bruce or Nellie Ohr

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft August 28, 2018


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Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) told Fox News host Martha MacCullum on Monday that he’s seen the unredacted FISA applications used to spy on a Trump campaign volunteer.

Rep. Ratcliffe , a former US Attorney from Texas, told Martha that none of the four FISA applications signed by former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe, and current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein mentioned Bruce or Nellie Ohr.


This information was purposely withheld from the FISA requests which is a criminal act.


CNS News reported:


Ratcliffe told Fox News’s Martha McCallum, “We know very clearly, and it’s not in dispute, that Bruce Ohr had more than 60 contacts with Christopher Steele, and his wife was retained and paid to create the dossier with Christopher Steele.


“Those are the definitions of material facts, and why it comes into play, Martha is, was this just Bruce Ohr and his wife? Or who at the Department of Justice and who at the FBI was aware of this information? When did they become aware of it, because it goes to those four separate FISA applications and the information that was sworn to before those judges.”


Ratcliffe said former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, former FBI Director James Comey, former Deputy FBI Director Andy McCabe, and current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein all swore to the FISA court “that they were giving full and complete information about the dossier. And I can tell you, having seen the unredacted FISA applications, that Bruce Ohr and his involvement and Nellie Ohr and her involvement was never disclosed in any of the four applications.”


Ratcliffe also noted that Rosenstein “told members of Congress under oath that he had no knowledge that Bruce Ohr was involved in the Russia investigation and he told Members of Congress that he wasn’t aware that Bruce Ohr had permission to be working on the Russia investigation.”


In his June 28, 2018 testimony, Rosenstein described Bruce Ohr as a “career employee” of the Justice Department. “He was there when I arrived. To my knowledge, he wasn’t working on the Russia matter,” Rosenstein said.

Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.2768040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8125

Google Responds to Trump: ‘No Political Bias in Google Search’


Tech giant Google has denied President Trump’s recent assertions that Google purposefully manipulates search results with a political bias.


President Trump claimed in a series of tweets today that tech giant Google purposefully alters Google search results to show negative articles about Trump. In his tweets, Trump called the system “rigged” and stated that Google and other tech companies were suppressing the voices of Conservatives and hiding positive news relating to the Trump administration.

Anonymous ID: d5472f Aug. 28, 2018, 11:10 a.m. No.2768124   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 'coup' against Pope Francis