Anonymous ID: 0c23c9 Aug. 28, 2018, 12:23 p.m. No.2768992   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Part 1: News Reports

FoxNews: (Archive link here:


CNN: (Archive link here:


Part 2: Explanation

Obama State department wired $1.3BN of funds on Jan 19th 2016 after the original $400M of untraceable cash transactions to Iran (The $400M is referred to as the "Ransom payment").


Funds were wired suspiciously in 13 separate payments of $99.999M which totaled $1.3BN


Part 3: Importance of $100M Mark

This is a general limit of funding and appropriation that does not need congressional approval.


I don't have a hard link to the specific parts of US Code, but two specific House resolutions point to this limit - both suspiciously worked on in 2015 as a way to bring more accountability.


HR 427 (


Why this is highly suspicious and probably illegal. $100M is a limit that needs congressional approval, but splitting the larger transaction into smaller ones that escape scrutiny is an illegal act for a private company under Sarbanes-Oxley and other Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Unsure if it's illegal for the gov't , however it's very suspicious and unethical.


Part 4: Funding and Transaction Logs

The funds were taken from a obscure fund from the US Treasury called the Judgement Fund. Often used to pay to avoid litigation


Fund Information:


Excel Log of transaction (may expire):


Part 5: Do-It-Yourself: Transaction Logs



Enter the following information using this image:


You will now see the 13 separate payments made