Anonymous ID: 2baced Aug. 28, 2018, 11:33 a.m. No.2768361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Some say the critical distinction between most of /them/ and most of /us/ is the deiffrence between Service To Self (STS) individuals and Service To Others (STO) indivuduals.

Anonymous ID: 2baced Aug. 28, 2018, 11:44 a.m. No.2768476   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Sunset is easier. Just 10 seconds first day, then 20 seconds next day, then 30 second etc. up to 45 mins direct Sungazing at the end. I threw my eyeglasses away and later passed the DMV vision test I had failed 20 years before. THE SUN IS GOOD FOR YOUR EYES AND SKIN. Safe hours only . This is ancient knowledge from Egypt, Greece, India etc.

Anonymous ID: 2baced Aug. 28, 2018, 11:53 a.m. No.2768586   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>HUSSEIN should be VERY nervous.


>BRENNAN should be VERY nervous.


>KERRY should be VERY nervous.



Anonymous ID: 2baced Aug. 28, 2018, noon No.2768679   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Teams of 1 skilled Carpenteranon and 5 Volunteeranons could build hundreds in a month. Did you know that more than 40,000 were executed during the French Revolution.


And who's better than us?