Anonymous ID: 38d9c7 Aug. 28, 2018, noon No.2768686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Richard Harwood's startling and completely unexpected disclosure that America’s “Establishment,” as represented by the world government-promoting Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), had secured a virtual monopoly over our nation’s “mainstream media,” the MSM.


However, a crucially important dimension of the ruling-class-journalist phenomenon that Harwood did not touch on is that large intersection where the Council on Foreign Relations mixes with the Central Intelligence Agency.


Both organizations are semi-secret; like icebergs, they have a small, visible, public face and a much larger, secret, invisible body.


And as with icebergs, it is the hidden portion that is most dangerous and must be most carefully monitored.



Anonymous ID: 38d9c7 Aug. 28, 2018, 12:13 p.m. No.2768866   🗄️.is 🔗kun

THIS, is why (((They))) hate General Flynn:


There was one more priority item for Flynn. Through his experience as a general in foreign war zones, he found that there were several fractures in the intelligence cycle, which harmed U.S. troops’ ability to succeed on the battlefield. As national security adviser, Flynn intended to conduct an audit on the intelligence community as a whole. A full audit of the U.S. intelligence community’s activities has not been completed since 1975, following the Nixon administration’s Watergate scandal.


While serving in the Obama administration, Flynn’s earlier attempts at intelligence reform infuriated the upper echelons of the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency. Flynn’s enemies list continued to grow when, as Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) director, he testified in front of the Congress and challenged the Obama White House narrative that al Qaeda had been “decimated.” The Obama administration forced him into early retirement shortly thereafter.


It became quite clear that the incoming national security adviser posed a direct challenge to the fourth branch of government — the unaccountable Washington bureaucrat class, including the intelligence community, which some have come to refer to as the “deep state.”

