Anonymous ID: f786cd Aug. 28, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.2768224   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Media Failures Complicate The Nuclear Talks With North Korea

Anonymous ID: f786cd Aug. 28, 2018, 11:24 a.m. No.2768265   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8785





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Anonymous ID: f786cd Aug. 28, 2018, 11:33 a.m. No.2768352   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Poroshenko vows abrogation of Ukrainian-Russia friendship treaty will begin shortly


The treaty between Ukraine and Russia was signed in May 1997 and came intto force in April 1999


KIEV, August 28. /TASS/. Ukraine’s President Pyotr Poroshenko has issued instructions to the Foreign Ministry to draw up a package of documents shortly on the start of a procedure of abrogating the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership, which Ukraine and Russia signed in 1997.


Poroshenko revealed the story on Tuesday at a conference with members of the Ukrainian diplomatic corps.


"Eventually, after sufficient preparations and upon building up enough legal protection we’ve come to the next step, which is to dissolve the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Ukraine and the Russian Federation that has long become anachronistic," he said.


"I expect a necessary package of documents from the Foreign Ministry on the launch of this process shortly ," Poroshenko said.


He said in April he would submit a bill on a unilateral severing of some provisions of the treaty to the Verkhovna Rada, the country’s national parliament, admitting simultaneously the treaty could not be cancelled in toto but suspension of some of its provisions was necessary.


The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership between Ukraine and Russia was signed in May 1997 and took effect in April 1999 for a period of ten years. It contains provision on an automatic prolongation for subsequent ten-year periods if the sides do not have objections.


The treaty stipulates the principle of strategic partnership and proclaims inviolability of existing borders, respect for territorial integrity, and a reciprocal obligation of the two countries to refrain from using their territories for in detriment of each other’s security.


October 2018 marks the deadline by which the sides should state their intention on either prolonging the treaty for the next ten years breaking it up.



Anonymous ID: f786cd Aug. 28, 2018, 11:35 a.m. No.2768370   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Blame Russia game: Lavrov blasts West for projecting its election meddling guilt on Moscow


Lavrov stresses countries that insist that Russia has been interfering in the domestic affairs of sovereign states are the ones guilty of using this method themselves


MOSCOW, August 28. /TASS/. Countries that insist that Russia has been interfering in the domestic affairs of sovereign states are the ones guilty of using this method themselves, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with the Slovak newspaper Pravda.


"Right off the bat, I want to say, so that there aren’t any doubts, that we’ve never interfered in other countries’ domestic affairs. That’s not the way we do things," he said. "By the way, in this regard we differ fundamentally from those countries for whom this practice has pretty much become a favorite tool for promoting their own geopolitical interests."


"It’s enough to recall the outside intervention in the Arab Spring, or inciting the anti-constitutional coup in Ukraine," the top diplomat resumed. "By the way, we’ve been registering ongoing attempts to influence domestic political processes in Russia for many years," he added. "So, those who accuse us of these things are guilty of doing that themselves, so to say."


The assertions about Russia’s intervention in the American election that have been carrying on for two years already, have domestic roots, Lavrov said. "The [US] Democratic administration lost the election and, instead of admitting to it and exiting quietly, it conjured up some imagined Russian hackers as the culprits for their failure and started indoctrinating the public with a non-existent collusion ‘plot’ with Russia, this time against the winner from the Republican party," the Russian foreign minister stated. "Honestly speaking, it is embarrassing how easily this groundless issue turned into the focus of America’s discourse on domestic current affairs."


Lavrov reiterated that Russia has been saying for several years that the US should furnish proof of Russian hackers meddling in the US presidential election. "However, there is nothing," he stressed. "We’ve been suggesting for more than a year that the Americans should create a bilateral working group on cyber security to discuss and remove mutual concerns linked, in particular, to the influence on electoral processes in both countries. However, Washington is skirting this professional exchange of communication, so maybe they’re not ready for a substantial conversation.".



Anonymous ID: f786cd Aug. 28, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.2768381   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syrian War – August 28, 2018: US Creates Strike Force To Attack Syria


The US military is creating a strike force to carry out an attack on government forces in Syria, which is to be justified by a staged chemical attack in the province of Idlib, the Russian military says.


Besides the already noted deployment of the USS The Sullivans to the Persian Gulf and the rebasing of a B-1B Lancer strategic bomber to an air base in Qatar, the missile destroyer USS Ross carrying 28 Tomahawk cruise missiles entered the Mediterranean. Thus, the US could launch at least 84 Tomahawk cruise missiles and 24 AGM-158 joint air to surface stand-off missiles (JASSM) if it were to decide to strike the war-torn country right now.


According to Russian military spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, “these preparations are fresh confirmation of US intentions to use as a pretext a likely simulation of the government forces’ chemical attack, which Hayat Tahrir al-Sham [formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda] militants are plotting with active support from British secret services.”


Reports are appearing that the Syrian Air Defense Forces (SADF) have already started preparing to repel an expected US-led missile strike by deploying additional specialists and air defense systems near the crucial objects of the infrastructure, which they expect may be targeted.


On August 22, US National Security Advisor John Bolton claimed that “if the Syrian regime uses chemical weapons, we will respond very strongly and they really ought to think about this a long time.” This was only one of a series of threats to the Syrian government issued by the US, the UK and France. While all these threats are clearly exploiting the chemical weapons narrative, their main goal is to prevent the defeat of the terrorists in Idlib by delaying the Syrian Army operation.


On August 25, a source close to the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) told the Kurdish news outlet Bas News that the US-led coalition began deploying radar stations at its bases in the governorates of al-Hasakah and Aleppo as part of a new plan to increase its control of Syrian airspace. The report pointed out the airbases in Kobani and Rmelan as places where the radars were installed. The US 727 Expeditionary Air Control Squadron is reportedly involved in this effort.


Meanwhile, clashes between the Syrian Army and ISIS continued in the area of al-Safa where at least one vehicle of the terrorist group was destroyed. However, ISIS resistance in the desert is still strong enough to draw Syrian military resources from other important frontlines.


In the Idlib de-esclation zone, militants feeling the support of the so-called international community have increased their preparations for the battle against government forces. An important part of these preparations are arrests and abductions of civilians, public figures and field commanders who would probably support peaceful negotiations with Damascus.

Anonymous ID: f786cd Aug. 28, 2018, 11:44 a.m. No.2768470   🗄️.is 🔗kun


We know all this. Enough with the circle jerk the heavy diggers NEED something better than this!


If the sum of all fears is delaying the plan that's fine but we'd prefer silence than a ride on the merry go round!



Anonymous ID: f786cd Aug. 28, 2018, 11:50 a.m. No.2768550   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NYPD: Key Paul Manafort Banker & Witness Robbed of iPad, Briefcase in Mysterious Overnight Break-in at His NYC Penthouse:


One of Paul Manafort’s primary bankers had his Manhattan penthouse burglarized overnight, a mysterious break-in that saw a briefcase, iPad and sneakers stolen from the residence, law enforcement sources familiar with the case tell News 4.


David Fallarino, dubbed Manafort’s “front office banker” at Citizens Bank by the Huffington Post, told authorities he left the terrace door of his West 58th Street home open before he went to sleep Monday, the sources say.


Fallarino, 38, said he heard a noise around 1:30 a.m. Tuesday and went out to find a crow bar on the terrace, the sources say. There were no apparent signs of forced entry, the sources say, but Fallarino reported his wine cabinet was open and there was a bottle of wine on the floor. The briefcase, iPad and sneakers were the only items missing, the sources said.


The sources did not have any information on a possible suspect or suspects. Repeated attempts to reach Fallarino were unsuccessful; an assistant at Citizens Bank said he was on vacation and declined to comment.

Anonymous ID: f786cd Aug. 28, 2018, 12:06 p.m. No.2768761   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Federal, State and Local Leaders and Experts Announce Results of Forest Watch, a Public Lands Marijuana Grow Eradication and Reclamation Project

Anonymous ID: f786cd Aug. 28, 2018, 12:11 p.m. No.2768830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8860 >>8870

US Prepares to Set Up No–Fly Zone in Northern Syria – Report


The Russian Defense Ministry stated earlier that the US-led coalition was "building up a group of cruise missile carriers in the Middle East region," in preparation for a possible strike, while French President Emmanuel Macron declared that France was also ready to launch new strikes against Syria in case of a chemical weapons attack there.


The US military is laying the groundwork to close the airspace over northern Syria, according to the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet. US military freighters are reported to have transported radar systems to the city of Kobanî, controlled by the Kurdish militia, and the US military base in Al-Shaddadah in southern al-Hasakah.


The outlet claims that the US plans to use these complexes to establish a no-fly zone over the territory between Manbij in Aleppo and Deir ez-Zor.

Washington hasn’t commented on the report yet.


Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry announced that militants in the Syrian province of Idlib were preparing to stage a false flag chemical weapon attack against civilians in order to blame Damascus and give the US and its allies a pretext for a punitive strike against Syria.


The ministry has noted that the US and its allies keep expanding a group of cruise missile carriers in the Middle East region, preparing for a possible strike.


French President Emmanuel Macron also declared during his speech to French ambassadors on Monday that France was ready to launch new strikes against Syria in case of a chemical weapons attack there.


US National Security Adviser John Bolton also reportedly warned Russian Secretary of the Security Council Nikolai Patrushev that Washington was prepared to take forceful military action against Syria if Damascus uses chemical weapons, stressing that America was prepared to respond with greater force than before. Kremlin, however, couldn't confirm this information.


Note: Meanwhile neocon Bolton gets back to pursuing the Greater Israel Project!