Anonymous ID: 08b0bf Aug. 28, 2018, 12:55 p.m. No.2769379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9413 >>9487 >>9695 >>9696

About planes carrying cash…this one had he equivalent of


in SA Rand on it. And A BODY. That was bleeding out of the cargo hold from a missing arm and so decomposed that fingerprinting was impossible. But the deceased supposedly died from oxygen depravation. Sure.


>Western Global Airlines N545JN, a CIA-connected cargo plane, flew to South Africa from Europe on 13 February 2016. After a few changes, the official narrative became that it landed in Munich, Germany (visibly bloodstained[1]) and took on a "Diplomatic Shipment" of 67 tonnes of banknotes intended for the South African Reserve Bank. After landing at the Zimbabwean capital Harare ground staff discovered a partially decomposed body in the cargo hold.[2] The plane and crew were held for a few days by local police, but as with the 2006 bust of a CIA-connected DC-9 carrying 5.6 tonnes of cocaine[3] no prosecutions were forthcoming.


This plane incident took place place in 2/16 - less than a month after the 1/16 implementation of the Iran Deal. Notice that it’s ownership is in the South Florida (literal and figurative) SWAMP and the numerous trips to Germany (what have you been up to, Merkel?). Also, Hussein was recently in SA - I wonder if he made any withdrawals from a SA bank?



Also, I think everyone is interpreting Podesta’s Art Collection incorrectly. Those aren’t kids who are being trafficked. Those are all white kids (trafficked kids are mostly non-white) with the same haircut (like Merkel’s old hairdo) that look, to me, like they have been through a hazing ritual (red palms, red feet, red bums=“Thank you, sir, may I have another?”) Those kids are being hazed into the Red Shoe Society, where there are legacies of membership (also like a fraternity/sorority as is hazing) being passed on to the next generation/offspring, like we see with Peter Strzok Sr and Jr, Anderson Pooper, etc. Q asked what they are promised to be a part of it? Fame, fortune, money, power, etc. Also, that one boy hanging looks like Anderson Pooper, and some of those kids look like they could be siblings (could just be the artist’s style, though). Notice the one little girl look so pissed/defiant instead of scared.

Anonymous ID: 08b0bf Aug. 28, 2018, 1:17 p.m. No.2769695   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This answers part of Q’s drops about the planes. Samefagging because this has been overlooked by most anons but not by MaxResDefault ShillBot.