Anonymous ID: 1fe852 Aug. 28, 2018, 12:43 p.m. No.2769209   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9228

Acting Associate Attorney General Jesse Panuccio Delivers Remarks Announcing Results of Operation Forest Watch, a Public Lands Marijuana Grow Eradication and Reclamation Project

McClellan Park, CA ~ Tuesday, August 28, 2018


If left unchallenged, these illegal grow sites risk endangering the health and safety of the American people who otherwise look to our national forests and national parks for recreation and conservation, and who rely on our clean water resources for daily life, economic growth and critical agriculture.


And the harm from illegal marijuana cultivation doesnโ€™t stop with the environmental calamities. The toxic substances used to grow this marijuana can and do cause harm to law enforcement and users who come into contact with it. We also know that the profits from this drug trafficking are being used to fund violent organized criminal enterprises.


The American people deserve protection from this illegality, and they deserve law enforcement that will put an end to this trespass on and misuse of their public lands.


The Justice Department, including our Environment and Natural Resources Division led by Acting Assistant Attorney General Wood, is providing full support to fighting this illegality, in close cooperation with other federal, state, and local partners. By joining together to oppose the illegal growth of marijuana on public lands, we are working to enforce the rule of law in our conservation areas and to protect the environment and natural resources upon which we all depend.



Anonymous ID: 1fe852 Aug. 28, 2018, 1:09 p.m. No.2769560   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9588 >>9628


Iran says it has arrested 'tens of spies' in state bodies: ISNA


LONDON (Reuters) - Security forces in Iran have arrested tens of spies working in state bodies, Intelligence Minister Mahmoud Alavi was quoted as saying by the semi-official news agency ISNA on Tuesday.


Alavi did not say when the arrests took place or which countries the spies allegedly were working for, but indicated that many of the detainees were dual nationals.


โ€œI have repeatedly asked people to inform us if they know any dual national. The intelligence ministryโ€™s anti-espionage unit has successfully identified and arrested tens of spies in different governmental bodies.โ€



Anonymous ID: 1fe852 Aug. 28, 2018, 1:13 p.m. No.2769620   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Ahead of Renewed U.S. Sanctions, Data Shows Iran Oil Exports Set to Drop in August


Oil futures traded in London have surged to their highest since June, in anticipation of the loss of Iranian supply, as Iran is currently the third-largest producer among the members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries. Its key customersโ€™ purchases have all dropped in August, as some buyers, banks, and insurance companies already have suspended dealings in Iranian oil.


China is Iranโ€™s biggest customer, but loadings bound for that country are set to fall to 18.4 million barrels in August โ€” from 24 million barrels in July, which data shows, was its highest monthly volume this year. In order to work around the sanctions, China has switched to using Iranian tankers to deliver the country's crude since July. They hope to sustain Iranian oil imports until at least October.


India is importing 8.2 million barrels, which is down from more than 20 million barrels. However, exports to India may rise, as the destination for about 11 million barrels of Iranian oil loading this month has yet to be identified.


Loadings for Japan have been scaled back to 3.4 million barrels in August, down for a second straight month, and by mid-September, Japanese refiners are expected to load their last Iranian oil. They are scheduled to arrive in Japan before November.


Since July, Iran has loaded no oil bound for South Korea.


For Europe, the data shows that cargos have been falling from a peak of 22.2 million barrels in March, down to about 12 million barrels in August. European companies like France's Total have exited Iran, because they fear triggering U.S. sanctions. Still, Iran's president has urged the remaining signatories to its 2015 nuclear agreement to save the pact.

