Anonymous ID: 42f8f7 Aug. 28, 2018, 12:32 p.m. No.2769060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9119 >>9513



From Last Bread — Want to see the $1.3BN in payments the Obummer made to Iran?


Part 1: News Reports


FoxNews: (Archive link here:


CNN: (Archive link here:


Part 2: Explanation


Obama State department wired $1.3BN of funds on Jan 19th 2016 after the original $400M of untraceable cash transactions to Iran (The $400M is referred to as the "Ransom payment").


Funds were wired suspiciously in 13 separate payments of $99.999M which totaled $1.3BN


Part 3: Importance of $100M Mark


This is a general limit of funding and appropriation that does not need congressional approval.


I don't have a hard link to the specific parts of US Code, but two specific House resolutions point to this limit - both suspiciously worked on in 2015 as a way to bring more accountability.


HR 427 (


Why this is highly suspicious and probably illegal. $100M is a limit that needs congressional approval, but splitting the larger transaction into smaller ones that escape scrutiny is an illegal act for a private company under Sarbanes-Oxley and other Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Unsure if it's illegal for the gov't , however it's very suspicious and unethical.


Part 4: Funding and Transaction Logs


The funds were taken from a obscure fund from the US Treasury called the Judgement Fund. Often used to pay to avoid litigation


Fund Information:


Excel Log of transaction (may expire):


Part 5: Do-It-Yourself: Transaction Logs




~~Enter the following information using this image:

Fuck, this image no longer works


Select Jan 19 2016 as the dates.. Add all the Defendant Categories….


You will now see the 13 separate payments made (look for the HUGE principal amounts