Anonymous ID: 8e1526 Aug. 28, 2018, 12:27 p.m. No.2769021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9531



Yes, the acts of the Progressive cabal were indeed treasonous, and it wasn't limited to the USA. Happy helpers in the 5EYES thought they, as a group, were invincible. Many TRUE Patriots tried to stop them from within. I am glad more whistleblowers are coming forward and their stories are being made known. But are those Patriots being made whole for the risks they took? No - of course not. At the end of the day, the Plan to dispossess Whites in their own countries will continue while the Conservatives cluck, cluck, cluck.

Notice the mysterious Q never mention how important racializing EVERYTHING was to this process? Those who were overt racists, like Vince Stewart, were given promotions and tasking well above their abilities, but their core use was to identify, target, sideline and blacklist competent, Loyal white Christian men who would be a problem for their plans. Race-based groups like the National Naval Officers Association (which overtly advocates for the promotion of any non-white over whites regardless of merit simply for racial bean counting aka "disparate impact"), the Prince Hall Masons, etc etc. I am sure the Army, Air Force etc have similar racialized anti-white "social groups" who were a source of power and talent under the Obama/Holder/Lynch regime.


So instead of commitment to a return to merit, we have the same continuation of the same race based bean counting in an effort to "win over" the minority vote. At what cost? To further weaken the military? To further the dispossession of Whites in the country they built and which their ancestors bled and died for? How many blacks, Filipinos and Hispanics died to liberate America from the yoke of England? Anyone??? But now we are all "equal" ?? Fuck that. It continues with the advancement of the "first black female General in the Marine Corps". Note well the only qualifications are "black" and "female". No listing of her stellar accomplishments, how she outshone her peers, etc. The current crop of gatekeepers are no different than the cucks like Casey, Mullen, Hayden, Clapper, Brennan who preceded them. Anyone who is all Rah Rah Rah that Trump is "pro-military" has not been paying attention. Q never mentions Race but Race is a significant factor in the backstory.


Treason? Ha! A significant number to swing would be colored folk and that will never happen. Dat be rayciss. Truth be damned, honor be damned, loyalty be damned. Just don't be accused of being rayciss!!!! Shucks Q!