Anonymous ID: b3ead1 Aug. 28, 2018, 12:54 p.m. No.2769370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9390 >>9463

Bloodline Satanic sex abuse survivor Fiona Barnett names MERYL STREEP as Grand Dame


Aug 20,2018 Interview - Fiona Barnett names Michael Acquino, Richard Nixon, Ted Turner, and others who raped her around 6 years old. Antony Kidman (Nicole Kidman's father) raped her at 3 years old. Some highlights:

5:25 they look for children with high IQ and creativity to weaponize psychic ability.

6:09 they were all Communists behind this cult . Nazism Communists. Nazi war criminals hide out in Australia.

6:45 The CIA is actually the organization behind ALL child trafficking in the Western world and beyond, and they answer to British Intelligence and the British Crown. The Rothschilds and the British Monarchy are the benefactors of this entire operation.

9:00 Dr. Antony Kidman died Friday after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children….. a month after Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint re: Kidman's sexual & physical assaults on her throughout childhood. He died in Singapore.

12:15 Nicole Kidman hired former Mossad agents to harass me. and other victims.

13:30 Antony Kidman jumped off a balcony.

26:10 1980's Trafficked to the US to finish off my training in the Gateway Process, Michael Acquino at Dulce Base (New Mexico) I've seen the lLab. It's absolutely horrendous. This is what they don't want you to know… the role that children played in their Super Soldier Program. I was assigned to Delta Special Ops….. I was put through full military training at age 6…. Acquino who polished everything when I was 14 in America.

27:47 Meryl Streep- they call her the Grand Dame of Hollywood. They openly referred to her as the Grand Dame. That's the highest ranking female position.

28:18 Meryl Streep occupies the most coveted role within the Luciferian Hierarchy

That's why she defended Roman Polanski and Harvey Weinstein.

36:45 The link between the CIA, MK Ultra Project and Luciferianism is that Luciferianism perfected dissociative techniques generations ago. MK Ultra stole their techniques and sort of weaponized things.

They're looking for children who are high IQ, creative because high IQ children when they perform cognitive tasks, both side of their brains operate at the same time.

The Gateway Project - they're trying to achieve hemispheric synchronization….this places the brain in synchronicity with the electro-magnetic field that surrounds us ,and that is how astral travel works. That is the scientific explanation.

A witness told me, he worked at the Head Army Training Facility in the UK. The Military Police are routinely trained in astral projection and they use astral projection to patrol their overseas bases.

39:15 All Delta Special Ops members are MK Ultra victims. Children are the main ingredient.

43:15 …about a dozen Bloodlines, the 13th contains the bloodline of Satan himself or Lucifer. At the top you've the Royal Family, the Rothschilds, they're regarded as like demi-gods.

44:50 The dissociation and trauma travels down about 4 generations. Genetic information is present down about 4 generations.

46:38 Podesta art, Vanderbilt Pool - those paintings are done from photographs, from real live models. Those kids are traumatized and they've been crying. Their backsides are red from being sodomized, their feet are red are from being beaten. Those are real abused children.

50:26 Ted Turner… memory of him raping me at Disneyland. It's a programming center. I was drugged, I was put on that horrid teacup ride and spun and spun until I vomited and passed out. There were all these men there, drinking, smoking cigars. There is a tunnel system there.

54:36 You can't imagine what they can imagine, different ways that they kill people.

There's that terrible movie called Seven. Brad Pitt is in it and that evil Luciferian what's his name starred in it with him. Gwyneth Paltrow is in it, she's in SNCTM, SNCTM is a coverup for Luciferian pedophile orgies. They use double speak where they talk about a 5 yr. old boy specially prepared for everyone to abuse before they sacrifice him that night. Morgan Freeman, he is a filthy, filthy, filthy man, and he's a Luciferian pedo, he's evil.

55:56 Seven movie- the crimes in there are crimes they actually DO. Watch or read- that comes from the devil himself.

57:45 Billy Graham, son Franklin Graham at Voodoo Donuts - these top so-called evangelists, big churches… they're just covers for child trafficking. Hillsong in Australia was founded by pedos and still run by pedos. They ritually murder children in those churches and make kiddie porn snuff films.

Child sex trafficking is coordinated by the CIA. It's a single integrated world operation. Stop paying for mega churches, every penny goes into trafficking children.


>> Video is worth watching.

Seven movie crimes are based on the 7 deadly sins