Anonymous ID: c5b13d Aug. 28, 2018, 1:04 p.m. No.2769493   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9508

I am used to a pile of information landing on my desk but today tops most of my most diggery days.


I have gone through all todays posts 3 or 4 times and I am still marveling at how POTUS and Q came out swinging today.


The SHAME of it all is that 90% or more of what we know cannot be fathomed by even the most informed sleepyheads.


This is good that it is all archived as I think this will all be reviewed in coming years as to the exact manner in which POTUS had Q reveal things and how quickly things escalated even before the first year of Q approached. We are still 2 full months away from Q's Birthday Party, but oh what a PARTY we have now.


REVEAL MORE POTUS AND Q! We can take it! We want it bad! So what that the majority of the world is asleep! WE ARE NOT ASLEEP!