Anonymous ID: a4e67c Aug. 28, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.2770356   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0465



A spider's web can be hard to see, it is for capturing and keeping prey.

CERN is a cabal organization and has been for its entire existence.

Is CERN used to make tunnels for cabal human trafficking?

Are secret CERN tunnels the spider's web?

The CERN 1 hour Satanist ceremony attended by Merkel and others was very forward with obvious symbolism.


Why were spider's webs in the windows in the photos of noname in Syria?

noname foundation influx due to Clinton foundation decline?

Money, but also trafficked humans?

What is the money for if not human trafficking?

Is the location in the photo an access port to the CERN spider's web of tunnels?

What other buildings have spider's webbing?

They are also entrance ports to the CERN tunnel trafficking network?


Why can't these people just stop with the human trafficking?

It is like they are an irrational meth-head or heroin addict -- they are this stupid and are still continuing to traffic humans?


Is there another motivation?

Are they feeding a small number of extraterrestrial overlords?

feeders, but why stand by the trafficking once Trump was in office?

They are really this stupid?

Are there 'fake' alien overlords created by another cabal faction, Tel Aviv crowd?


all roads lead to Rome -- Vatican -- Pope is the leader

roads = secret CERN trafficking tunnels = spider's web