Anonymous ID: c0bcdb Aug. 28, 2018, 1:53 p.m. No.2770345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0365

One of these days yall are gonna dig through past breads and find my british angle docs and realize I've been telling you all this shit for over a year now.


Q - I admit I've been skeptical, and still am, but am still holding some hope you are real. Here is what it would take to convince me: real moves against Israel. They play a key part of the game in who you are fighting against. Proud you mentioned the vatican. Now it's time to not just mention, but make a move, real move, to show us you are a zionist limited hangout. More concrete details on why the Iran deal was bad. Good people like VIPS are saying Bolton is very dangerous. If you know something about Iran deal more than the public knows (unfreezing of assets vs pallets of cash?) the public deserves to know… before you let your C_A people fund another color revolution pretending to be democracy that's really just an inroad for IMF control by (((them))).


Genuine concernfag patriot.

Anonymous ID: c0bcdb Aug. 28, 2018, 1:57 p.m. No.2770446   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anons. Regarding the pope/vatican angle.


Something I realized over the years is very important. Almost all high level OSS/CIA guys were/are KNIGHTS OF MALTA. Diggers, I promise there is gold there.

Anonymous ID: c0bcdb Aug. 28, 2018, 2:02 p.m. No.2770536   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The most ancient origin of this symbol that I have been able to trace is… (and I've dropped these crumbs before) to the Hittites.


You see, people are wrong when they say the Khazars aren't real "jews". They actually are, because they are the offshoot of the remnants of the once great Hittite empire, one of the only empires that ever brought Egypt to peace treaty through war. They would loot all sacred religious relics from places they invaded, and had a many gods temple of artefacts… I propose to you that, similar to the knights templar, they found a particularly revealing artefact, tablet, etc, either/both on the "temple mount" aka former temple of solomon location, and/or in their invasion of Babylon.