Anonymous ID: 8b4eb8 Aug. 28, 2018, 2:23 p.m. No.2770952   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1185


Love Q's last post..


Well in the last 10 years or so:


  1. We were told that men could be women and women could be men cause gender isn't biologically determined - Proven wrong.


  1. That manufacturing jobs would never come back to the US - proven untrue (by POTUS)


  1. That we are a racist nation and everyone who does not agree with liberals are just that racist - also proven not true.


  1. That all illegal aliens are good peeps just tryng to find a better way of life - proven untrue (MS-13 infiltration in US, adults with children at border who are not parents but coyotes or child traffickers)


  1. Obama care was the answer (you can keep your doctor blah blah blah).


  1. The Iran Deal (nuff said)


And many many more under the radar diabolical operations to undermine our nation and its people.


They tried to do this very fast, must of been aware that their time was running out. This is a guess of course but it seems to me there was a sort of desperation that started with Obama's Presidency and still is in practice today.


Its all so obvious and much now is open source.


I am all in for the ENTIRE TRUTH to be revealed.