Anonymous ID: 989170 Aug. 28, 2018, 2:18 p.m. No.2770832   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mae Brussell was the most important independent researching regarding NAZI connection to the US. There is a Youtube channel with many of her radio broadcasts. She started her career by picking apart the Warren commission's multi-volume report. She has many shows on what 'Nazi leftovers' were up to after the war, and some of the stranger things Nazis were doing during the war. Nazis in Antarctica. Interesting so many notables going down there once Trump was elected and in power. Mae Brussell kept it local, look into her and slow down on the European side of things. We risk lives by shining a light too brightly in the wrong places. We of course don't know any better as we fumble around trying to put this together, but heed Q's suggested limits. This is not a game.


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