Anonymous ID: 24fca5 Aug. 28, 2018, 2:58 p.m. No.2771691   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1745 >>1962





>Buy a history book published 20 years ago.

>Buy a history book published 10 years ago.

>Buy a history book published this year.



True, but the suppression of History has been going on far longer than that (see graphic). ITS JUST EASIER TO DO NOW ONLINE.



>My Brit. Lit. professor said that generally, sources that were published before 1960 were the only good ones.


Depends on the type of literature… Ancient History has been suppressed by British publishers going back at least 300 years. Show preface of THIS BOOK (THE HISTORY

ARTS AND SCIENCES THE ANCIENTS BY CHARLES M. ROLLIN) to your professor and watch his/her mouth drop open…


BTW, I found this all on my own. As bad as Google is for censoring current news queries, GOOGLE BOOKS is a fukken GOLD MINE of lost and suppressed history.

Anonymous ID: 24fca5 Aug. 28, 2018, 3:15 p.m. No.2772046   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Alan Wilson does a grand job of describing this suppression in British History. You should check his out if strikes your fancy. I've still never been able to locate his books for a reasonable price.


Thanks! I will check it out. I believe the recent call by the radical left to destroy historical American symbols and statues have little to do with combating racism, but rather is part a global agenda that has been underway for decades. We are only now witnessing its acceleration here in the US under false pretenses, but it is well underway in Europe and in the Middle East. The evidence for my contention is all around for those of us who can “see.” For example, one of the scientists that I admire is Phillip S. Callahan, Ph.D., an entomologist who helped discover how insects communicate within the infrared spectrum.


In his book, Paramagnetism - Rediscovering Nature's Secret Force of Growth, he wrote, "My bible for pre-World War II Irish farming is the masterpiece Irish Heritage, by the astute professor of Queens University, Belfast, E. Estyne Evans. It is the only book I have two copies of - one in my lab and one in my den."


Being of Irish descent myself, I thought gee that would be a cool book to have. Well, it’s not an easy book to find, but after several attempts, I finally found a used copy online and purchased it a few months ago. I made an astonishing discovery when I happened to look at the inside back cover. The book was apparently once housed in a UK public library, but was stamped WITHDRAWN (SEE PICTURES ATTACHED). Because the book was rather worn, I checked the library’s online catalog to see if they had replaced it with another copy, but they had not. I also sent an email to the library and ask why it was WITHDRAWN. They said it was because it meet their criteria for being rarely used, which was absolute bullshit. When I called them out on it, they simply said we hope you enjoy the copy but they had no plans to replace it. So with this one book in mind, imagine the scale of valuable cultural history being destroyed.