Anonymous ID: 43bb61 Aug. 28, 2018, 2:48 p.m. No.2771524   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1618 >>1643 >>1649 >>1824 >>2041 >>2081

Where is the oldest representation of the Swastika found ?


Mezine SwastikaThe earliest swastika ever found was uncovered in Mezine, Ukraine, carved on an ivory figurine, which dates an incredible 12,000 years, and one of the earliest cultures that are known to have used the Swastika was a Neolithic culture in Southern Europe, in the area that is now Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, known as the Vinca Culture, which dates back around 8,000 years


Vinca Culture


The most distinctive feature of these mysterious figurines are triangular shaped faces, large almond shaped eyes, mouths and noses that are nonexistent in most cases, which strangely seem to resemble animals such as grasshoppers. Some of these figurines mysteriously depict a combination of hybrid beings, half-human half reptile.


Most of these strange humanoid figures are depicted as guardian deities, some of them are believed to have been good while some of them evil. The zoomorphic-anthropomorphic depictions are a mystery that many researchers have not found an answer to.