Anonymous ID: 50a1cb Aug. 28, 2018, 3:09 p.m. No.2771914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2041 >>2081

Nonprofit tied to KILLERY (SOROS) super PAC revealed as mystery FOIA requester bombarding MI CITY CLERKS


A move to ANNUL POTUS??


According to The Detroit News, the ballot requests were sent as part of a research project aiming “to determine whether any discrepancies exist in the ballot process across various states and precincts that might disproportionately affect certain communities, particularly communities of color and young people."


Tina Barton, Rochester Hills clerk, said having the sender identified doesn't change much for the local clerks. In order to process each request, it will each local clerk's office cost thousands of dollars and many hours of staff time.