Anonymous ID: 9953d7 Aug. 28, 2018, 3:21 p.m. No.2772165   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your forgetting WWI. In WWI germany was physically and financially broken, their spirit was not broken though.


During the hiatus during the world wars they went into Germany, took control by promising the world through nazism


No more debt, a strong, unified German state and all its german people like that of the old Prussia with a strong military which will not take a a knee to foreign power and domestic face/enemy to their current financial woes, the jew.


What was the common german citizen to do but vote for the nazi party while their other prime minister only promised a slow and steady return to normal hood over a long period of time?


They allowed the cabal to take control and the serpents repaid them upfront with what looked like what they promised, only to later retake their debt through more death.