Anonymous ID: cfeea0 Aug. 28, 2018, 3:06 p.m. No.2771861   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I don't think it has to do with the events so much as the portrayal. Does anyone 'member the movie "Patton (1970)"? Remember how he was all about those stinking Russians? Why was he against Russia so much? Was it the bloodletting of the royalty there (Patton was a historian)? Or was it the fact that communism drove them?

Anonymous ID: cfeea0 Aug. 28, 2018, 3:17 p.m. No.2772072   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2078

I remember sitting in high-school senior class–history–and my teacher saying that in FDR's day, the Republican and Democrat parties began a complete switch. It always made me wonder if the history on Democrats starting the KKK and other atrocities were affected by this 180° change in party stance. Now I'm not sure the swap even happened.