Anonymous ID: 0f3b51 Aug. 28, 2018, 3:33 p.m. No.2772369   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2771818 pq China granted access


This seems very plausible. Even mentioned before. If the fucking maid had access, why the hell not? It would be a fantastic way to sell secrets plus play the victim card if caught.


This bugs the shit out of me for one reason. If this is how it worked, Wtf was Huma doing sending shit to the Yahoo account and keeping the life insurance folder?


Long before Q the theories were wild. And they all basically revolved around Huma stealing shit for the MB. It was Huma forwarding everything to the Yahoo account paired with major Yahoo breaches in the same timeframe. It was Huma recording shit that got leaked and passed around during the Rio Olympics. It was Huma stealing the laptop that was supposed to go to the fbi.


There were so many explanations for how and why the server was a piece of shit and got breached. Guccifer 1 was another. A bunch of them seemed credible enough and a lot of detail has been confirmed, laptop/Yahoo breach/Weiner/fbi cover-up/crowdstrike/whatever.


Why the fuck do all of these things exist if the plan was to sell access in the fucking first place. If there's a wide open door for cash, why would any insiders use other more traceable doors?


If all this is even a little true, Humas relationship and role gets a lot more interesting.