Anonymous ID: 58651d Aug. 28, 2018, 3:47 p.m. No.2772669   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I just realized that crying and hurting does nothing for me….


Q is not going to save us all personally and neither can POTUS if we are not taking the correct LEGAL ACTION. He is giving us, "WE THE PEOPLE" that have been directly affected by the crimes of the Deep State the information and confirmation we need to have the courage, strength and faith in knowing that WE HAVE THE POWER to bring this into the LEGAL ARENA seeking justice, and President Trump will gladly allow us to force his hand. WE WILL MOVE THE COURT!!


Damn, I wasted so much time clinging to Congress and dumb ass politicians to care about me and my situation…..I am going back to work!!!