Anonymous ID: 93ac35 Aug. 28, 2018, 3:27 p.m. No.2772256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2396 >>2621 >>2640 >>2781 >>2844

Did Biden sell hrc passwords to china and get payment through his sons business? Kerry same?


A private equity firm managed by the son of former Vice President Joe Biden struck a deal with China's state-owned bank in 2013 at the same time that Biden was in the country to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.


Hunter Biden, who arrived in China aboard Air Force Two alongside the vice president and the rest of the U.S. delegation, was at the time in control of Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC., a private equity firm that would go on to strike a deal with the state-owned Bank of China to create a $1 billion joint investment fund.

late 2015, AVIC would go on to purchase 51 percent of American precision-parts manufacturer Henniges. Joe Biden's son bought the other 49 percent in a deal that was approved by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, which includes members of numerous government agencies including the State Department.



In an email, a spokesman for Chris Heinz, John Kerry's son by marriage, told The Hill that Heinz had "no operating role" in Rosemont Seneca, and was not involved in any of the firm's dealings in China - contradicting Schweizer's original reports.



"Rosemont Capital is not, and never was, a part of the Heinz Family Office and was a fully independent alternative investment fund manager," said Heinz spokesman Chris Bastardi.



"Chris Heinz was involved in Rosemont Capital. Rosemont Seneca was established under the same GP as Rosemont Capital, but Chris Heinz had no operating role in it. Chris and his family have no financial interest or investment in Bohai Harvest RST, he has never traveled to China, and he has never met with the firm's Chinese management team or investors."