Anonymous ID: d62dd2 Aug. 28, 2018, 3:36 p.m. No.2772423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2447 >>2457 >>2505 >>2539 >>2668



  1. For almost 300 years, the Rothschilds have decided wars, financed them, and twisted everyone in politics to their goals. NWO.


  1. NWO really is three-fold. Money, Power and Luciferianism.


  1. If the above is true, then Satan has been directing world history for 6,000 years as much as he can.


  1. If the above is true, the world is truly as evil as Jesus said, in that Satan is STILL the "ruler of this world" and still prince over mankind.


  1. Since the above statement does not conflict with Christian dogma, we must assume that most of us are still bluepilled to the dimension of sheer evil that the cabal plays to. That doesn't mean we don't get glimpses, especially when seeing what we have seen from Q in 10 months, but true understanding of all the evil aspects is challenging at least.


  1. We have been consistently warned by Q that this whole effort is overseen by God, who wins in the end.


  1. In accordance with Q's multiple declarations about God, including NT references, being true Christian dogma, the world would have to be at least as evil as when Noah was sealed up in the Ark with his family, in that only 8 people were worth letting into the next populating of the earth.


  1. This level of evil being pervasive in all areas of the world, but particularly when it comes to finance, sexual perversion and politics, that means it is time where the world is ripe for cleansing.


  1. It is true that some things can be cleaned up and made tolerable for Anons and POTUS/Q, but it won't be tolerable by God's standards. This must mean that Christ only can cleanse the Earth from the filth that has reigned since the Noahtic repopulation.


  1. We are in big trouble globally, and the cabal will lose, but that means that we truly are on the cusp of Revelation 4, where the seals are broken open.


  1. We are not there yet. There is one more event that must happen. Most don't believe in the Rapture, but that is OK. They can be corrected after it takes place. But there is a great deception that takes place after the Rapture and it will be pure evil and last for 7 years and maybe a bit of time between the Rapture and the beginning of birth pangs.


  1. This is the Great Awakening, but remember, Q keeps trying to alert Anons to God's plan, being a much larger awakening, revealed in 66 books by 40 authors over 3000 years of compostion by the Holy Spirit through men.