Anonymous ID: efd712 Aug. 28, 2018, 3:26 p.m. No.2772229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2312

We have dug a bunch of disparate dots on DNA, but they connect somehow


Google's 23andme. They are searching for something. As well as to control it.


Rothschild 'bloodline' importance.


Chemicals write to our DNA


Experiences write to our DNA. Holocaust trauma, salmon, monarch butterflies.


(The discovery of Monarch butterflies having their migration map already written in their DNA at birth, lead to the original Project Monarch (renamed MK-Ultra)


We are lied to that most of our DNA is 'junk' DNA.


Women retain DNA snippets of all the men they have sexual intercourse with.


Vaccines write to our DNA


There has been human DNA found in processed foods.


Ancient humans became significantly smart upon eating meat. Specifically- cooked meat.


We are what we eat.


There's a web that connects these dots. What is it? what are they looking for? what DNA do they want to control? What are they trying to write onto our DNA? How are they trying to undermine our DNA and why? WHY is the big question.


above from a few breads ago. - but you SEE (((they))) won't find it. WHY - because they are AFRAID. They fear IT, US. We do not consent anymore to their control and whim. They have nothing to offer us. What they seek is illusive, a creation of man. But man was not created by man. Man was created by god.

We will defeat these evil men and women.

God wins.