Anonymous ID: f3e8ac Aug. 28, 2018, 3:26 p.m. No.2772236   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2350 >>2361 >>2437 >>2442 >>2460 >>2569 >>2573 >>2592 >>2627 >>2670 >>2671 >>2697 >>2703 >>2737 >>2739 >>2838 >>2856



I am isolated with my husband and thank God our dogs… to our family we can’t even mention the Presidents name, so we don’t but it hurts so much. We will stay strong! We try not to become bitter and angry. We are prepered to help and to answer when the time comes. I know they need us than more than ever. Especially my oldest because she studied so hard to get her job in your country in CV, I know for sure that she is not a liberal brainwashed person. My other baby is an autist and she askes me questions over the News coverage and why they all tell the same. Please Q, I must say this: you , the team and POTUS are so very loved by us. God bless you from the Netherlands !