Anonymous ID: fe050b Aug. 28, 2018, 3:57 p.m. No.2772916   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2772548 Were the Chinese not ALLOWED to run their own intel ops within the US by WJC, GWB & others? Don't have the sauce, but remember something from years ago. They had/have a spy network here of something like 50,000 individuals. And really, no mainland Chinese can come to N. America without being vetted & coming under "some" form of intel control that requires submission of reports to superiors.


In addition, they shamelessly steal intellectual property, and have infiltrated in many fields.


They have been allowed to permeate, in some ways even take over, medical labs and university faculties.


In my world, for many years, the Chinese are the main opponent, with Russia being our natural ally against them.