Anonymous ID: ec0012 Aug. 28, 2018, 4:20 p.m. No.2773442   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q: Define “CONTRACTOR” (for govt agency)


Used to be analyst for large FED Agency. Duty included tracking charges to system and looking for fraud. One day noted several large $$$ charges with fictional code numbers. Example 4123.567. Tracked it back to several P.O. Boxes (meaning no real address) associated with nonexistent person names (unable to find credible IDs for them). Phone numbers given called no one.


Went bigger and saw huge sting worth a few millions gone in my region. Also saw they had practiced with small stings to see if anyone would catch them. No one did. Notified colleagues in other regions. They double checked. Same thing. Total billions $$$ paid out to phony accounts.


Eventually discovered the weak spot was CONTRACTERS in Florida. The govt had contracted out $$$ billing to non govt groups. There was no oversight for these Contractors. The outside govt contracting started in expanded fashion under Prez Bush Jr. Doubt the taxpayer ever got their $$$ back.


A lot of $$ tricks can be played in govt thru Contracts. Example: Place contract order for large items - say 20 trucks. Federal office sends the $$$, then cancel truck order. Then agency keeps the money and spends on “bonuses” for key players. Sen No Name on Armed Services Cmte could probably explain how it’s done.


Have lots more Contract stories. Lots can be HIDDEN and MANIPULATED in Contract Biz - very little to no govt auditing or oversight.