Anonymous ID: 7b2754 Aug. 28, 2018, 5:19 p.m. No.2774859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4910


Are we watching a movie?

Where very highly placed people have done some

really bad things to the people of the United States,

and the Constitution, all with immunity for their High

Crimes and Misdemeanors, only to be protected individually

by a piece of Federal paper called a 'Presidential Pardon"

giving them 'Carte Blanc"on all circumstances and crimes

they have indulged in during their time in Federal service

and immediately afterward by a Illegal alien,foreign born

President to subvert all prosecution against them and himself.

That all those who have gone after these crimes are stymied by

this pardon, and in turn are simply putting out there, the facts

on what was done individually and looking like they cannot close

the case for resolve.

What if…. The current President knowing all these facts knows

that the SILVER BULLET is to challenge the legality of the Pardon

for the illigetamcey of the person granting it, could not grant or

make a decision because of their status as a foreign agent therefore,

making an Abortion of their office, and all things with their

signature an offense, and a undone, scrapped and wholly dismissed

aberration of anything to be included into the record of these

United States…..WHAT IF??????????